Chapter 15

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PART 2 of date

Alison's POV

"Were almost there babe" Emily said as she's glanced and me then rubbed my thigh.  I grabbed her hand gently and intertwined them together. I played with her fingers with one hand while she drove with the other.

"Were here princess" Emily said. I looked up and saw that we were at the park?

"Em what are we doing to the park?"

"I told you it's part two of your special day."


"Now come on" She said and ran around the car to open my door. When she opened my door she had her hands behind her back.

"Em what do you have pack there?"

"Well babe if you must know I have a beautiful flower for the most beautiful girl in the world." She said making my smile and blush. She then handed me a single red rose.

"Awe Emily I love it, it's so pretty" I said then smelled the flower. " and it smells amazing"

"Come on Ali" she said then started leading me towards the woods?

"You're not planning on killing me are you?" I asked

"Of course not" she said then chuckled. As we went closer to the woods I saw a little path of rose peddles.

When we reached the end there was a picnic set up with candles around it.

"Emmy what's all this?"

"It's a picnic. I know how much you love them and I wanted to make today special for you."

"Awe baby thank you I love you" I said then gave her a kiss filled with love and passion.

"I love you too princess"

We sat down and started eating the sandwiches she prepared for us.

"Emmy thank you"

"For what babe?"

"For this, for today, and for loving me unconditionally."

"I'll always love you, pip gets estella in the end remember?"

"You remember?...It's been so long."

"Of course I remember, and it's only been like seven and a half years, you make us sound old" she said then giggled.

"I'm glad you remember, that's when I knew I loved you" I said then kissed her passionately.

"You know I didn't think it was possible but I fall in love with you more and more each day" she said looking at me lovingly. "Um Ali can I ask you something?" Emily said nervously

(It's going to switch between NO POV to POV)

"Anything babe, what's wrong?"

" you won't get mad?"


" are staying here?"

"You mean like in California?" I ask and she only nods.

"Well yeah don't you think? I have the company here and everything."

"Um..oh...I thought we were going to live in Rosewood or at least near it." She said then looked down sadly. That nearly broke Alison's heart, she hated seeing her girlfriend sad especially if she's the reason why. She knew how to fix the problem, she would move to Rosewood. She wasn't going to lose Emily again especially over something as little as where they're going to live.

"Well..we could, if that's what you want." Alison said.

"Really?" Emily said with hope and excitement in her voice.

"Really babe, I would do anything for you."

"Wait, but what about the company?"

"I can have someone else run it then comeback every once and a while to check on how business is going."

"Are you sure Ali? I know how much this company means to you."

"Yeah, I love the company but I love you more and if you want to leave then we'll leave."

"Really?" Emily asked

"Yes really. Now let's go pick up Alexis and start packing. At the sound of Alexis's name Emily's heart fluttered, she loved that little girl more than life itself, and just hearing that Ali cares about her daughter means so much to Emily.

"Okay babe." Emily said then they stood up and started picking up the things used for their picnic. As they were walking back Emily suddenly thinks to tell Ali something. "Als?"

"Yeah babe?"

"I love you"

"I love you too pip" Alison said, which Emily loved. She's always loved when Alison calls her pip and she calls her estella.

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