Chapter 21

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Emily's POV

I woke up feeling a pain in my chest, last night felt like a dream, I felt that if I were to look beside me right now no one would be there. I rolled over on my side and all the weight lifted off my chest, the urge to cry suddenly dawned upon me seeing last night wasn't a dream after all and I really had my little girl back. My cheeks felt wet from the tears that kept falling, the new ones replacing the old.

Alison started stirring no doubt from my quiet whimpering that I couldn't help let out. I saw her eyes slowly open as they adjusted to the light shining into the bedroom.

"Hey babe, what's wrong?" She asked immediately confronting me. I didn't deserve her, she was so good to me. She looked after me when I was at my lowest and even made it her priority to look for Alexis.

"Nothing, I'm just so happy here with you and our daughter. I love you so much, thank you for everything." I told her truthfully, I will forever love this woman. I loved her when we were little and I love her now that we found our way back to each other.

"Awe, my love, I love you too and there's nothing in this world I wouldn't do for you." She said then kissed my hand that she was holding.

I was happy, I was genuinely happy for once, the last few weeks had been absolute hell without our daughter, and I didn't know how to talk to Emily about it. I regret shutting down on her, I know it must've been hard for her to see me like that, empty. It's like my life had stopped yet everyone around me kept moving as if nothing had happened.

I felt the left side of the bed lift as Alison got up to start her day. She walked into the restroom, I heard the water from the sink turn on, she must've been brushing her teeth. She walked out the restroom and walked over to my side of the bed, kissing my forehead then walking out the room.

I decided to get a few more hours of sleep due to the fact that I hadn't been getting much the past few weeks without Alexis. I closed my eyes and slowly dozed off into a peaceful sleep.

"Hey babe" I heard a voice say. I opened my squinted my eyes open and saw a very much awake Ali carrying a happy looking Alexis. "We made you breakfast" she smiled one of the most adorable smiles.

I sat up and saw the tray on my nightstand, it was a slice of toast, two eggs, and a few slices of bacon, my favorite. "Thank you my loves" I said and kissed each one of their cheeks. Alexis giggled as I kissed her cheek, oh how I missed that giggle.

Alison and Alexis sat down in front of  me as I ate my breakfast, occasionally I would feed Alison a little bacon as her and Alexis watched cartoons.

"What time is it?" I asked Alison.

"Ten past one" she replied casually

"Ten past one? I slept all day?" I asked

"Well yeah, you needed the sleep, I know you haven't been getting much sleep lately because of everything going on and I felt as if you deserved a well needed break." She replied with a small smile. I leaned over and pecked her lips as an appreciation for everything she's done.

"Thank you, it felt good to sleep a few extra hours today" I said, grateful for the few hours more I got of sleep today.


So here's another short update, I've been working on another Emison story and even some Brittana and Hizzie, I love writing this story but and might be ending it soon since I have zero inspiration. But if you all give me a few ideas as where this story could go, I will continue. I know I suck at updating but I promise I haven't forgotten about this story, I just don't have as much time as I used to anymore. Also I kind of forgot Emily was intersex and was more of the guy in the relationship and I've been portraying her as a softie in the last few chapters so I kind of want to change the roles in the relationship,but that would affect the whole story so I'm not going to do that, I guess in the next few chapters or so I'll give her, her tuff girl kinda Tom-boy style back.  Also thank you so much for 3k reads, I never expected for so many people to actually read this and like it, I did it for fun but have enjoyed writing thus far. I also want to add if any of you need to talk I'm always here for you! Also please text me, I need friends because I'm lonely asf

                                              -Paola <3


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