Chapter 10

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1 week later

Emily's POV

It's been one week since me and Ale have been staying with Alison and honestly it's been one of the happiest weeks of my life. Sure occasionally it got awkward but other than that it was great. I could be myself around Alison.

Today I was going to run a few errands while Ali watched Ale.

First I went to the store to buy Ale a few clothes since I couldn't fit all of hers and mine in the suitcase I packed.

I bought her clothes and decided to go to the park for a few minutes. Just to clear my head.

I sat at a bench under the shade. I could hear birds singing and kids laughing. I saw a couple with there son playing and knew that's what I wanted. I wasn't sure who I wanted it with but I knew I wanted it. That's the least I could do for Ale. She's been through a lot in these 2 years. She lost her mom and watched her other mom get abused by her step-dad. That's a lot for a 2 year old to handle.

I checked the time and it was about 6:25 I decided I should start heading home to see my beautiful babygirl.

I walked to my car and looked for my keys inside my purse. I found my keys and just as I was putting them in the door someone covered my face with a cloth of some sort and everything went black.

Alison's POV

Emily trusted me to watch Ale today and honestly we had so much fun. Em is so lucky to have this amazing two year old.

It was around 8:00 and Em should have been home. I texted her and called a few times but she never picked up. I had a bad feeling. It was the same feeling I had gotten one week before I went to see Em in Rosewood. It was like a spidey-sense and I knew something was wrong.

"Ali where mommy?" Ale asked me

"I'm not sure, but I'm sure she'll be home soon. You should start getting ready for bed it's getting pretty late."

I needed to leave to find Emily. Something just wasn't right. I texted Han and asked her and Caleb to come over since they'd been staying in a hotel not to far.

When Hanna got here not even five minutes after I texted her, I filled her in and she agreed. She said it wasn't like Em to just disappear without telling someone and even if her phone had died which was a possibility it was likely she would ask to borrow someone's phone to let Alison know everything was okay.

"Han I have a really bad feeling. I think I should go look for her."

"Where was the last place she told you she was going?"

"The park, she said she wanted to clear her head a little."

"Alright, you go check the park and I'll stay here and watch Ale."


"Ale can you come here?" I asked her


"I'll be back soon okay? I'm going to go get mommy but while I'm gone you have to stay with Auntie Han okay?"

"otay" she said since she couldn't quite say 'okay' yet.

Emily's POV

I woke up in a strange room with a very low dim light. My hands were tied above my head, I guess so I wouldn't be able to escape.

"Thought you could leave me?" I recognized that deep voice anywhere it was Alex.


"The one and only babe" he said as he stepped out of the shadows.

"Why am I here?"

"Did you really think I'd let that slut have you? You're mine! I own you Emily. You didn't think that Alison would protect you did you? Oh please she can't do shit, you're mine and mine only. I won't let her have you."

"You're psychotic! Let me out of here!"

"Oh please Emily, me and you are going to have fun." He said as he walked towards me.

"No please! Leave me alone" I screamed

"Shut up bitch" he said then slapped me across the face.

At this point I had blood on my lip and tears flowing down my cheeks. I knew what he was going to do and I wouldn't be able to stop him.

I felt something in my pocket but couldn't reach it. I'm pretty sure he left my phone in there. That's the only way anyone would ever find me.

Alison's POV

I drove to the park and saw Emily's car. I pulled up next to it and saw her keys on the ground. Someone kidnapped Emily!

A few feet away I saw her purse. I needed to check if she left her phone in there or if whoever took her has it. I went to her purse and looked in it but there was no phone, this gave me hope. Hope that I would find her and protect her. I called my top security to my house and told them I would meet them there.

When I got home my security was there and talking to Hanna and Caleb.

"Alison whats going on?" Hanna asked

"Hanna this is my security, I think I might of found a way to find Emily but I'm going to need Calebs help."

"Sure anything." Caleb said ready to find Emily too.

"I need you to track her phone. I'm sure she still has it and if she does then we can find her"

When I said that there were footsteps running away. Ale.  I turned around and sure enough I caught a glimpse of her before she slammed the door to the room Emily was staying in. I went to go check on her and what I saw broke my heart.

Alr was laying on the bed with her face down in Emily's pillow. I could hear her sniffles and sobs.


"I want mwmmy" she cried

"I know. But I'm going to find her and bring her back to you."


"I promise. Now get some rest and when you wake up your mommy will be here with you okay?"

"otay" and with that said she closed her eyes and drifted off to sleep while I rubbed circles on her back.

I walked out the room and back to the living room.

"Caleb did you find something?"

"Not yet but I'm looking."


While Caleb tracked Em's phone I prayed that she would be okay. I couldn't lose her. Not again. I would never be able to forgive myself is something happened to her.

"Got it!" Caleb yelled

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