Chapter 8

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7 years later

Hanna's POV

Things fell apart when Alison left. Sure Em seemed fine but it was all an act for Alison. As soon as Ali got on the bus to leave Emily lost it. She completely broke down. She's better now from what I can see. She's married and has a daughter. The thing that surprises me most
is she's married to a man! I mean come on this is the same Emily who once told us she was gay but now she's married to a man.

I haven't seen Emily in about a month. It's not that I don't want to see her it's just I can't. She doesn't want me to. At least that's what her husband Alex says. Alex is a tall man with blonde hair and blue eyes, he also has a nice fit body. Emily's daughter name is Alexandria. Ale (pronounced Ali) for short, but I think she's named like that because of Ali. I think Emily just wanted something to feel closer to her, since she never came back. Emily used to spend everyday for 5 months crying. I remember finding her drunk and crying, all she would do was talk about was Ali but it eventually stopped when she met Alex. Emily and Alex have been together for 3 years and married for 1 year . Ale is about to turn 2. Emily waited 4 years for Alison but she never came back, I know sometimes Emily Still misses her. We all do. When Alex and Emily first met they were just best friends he helped her get over the difficult times and she helped him. They helped each other . They fell in love according to Emily, they had Ale and live just outside of Rosewood. I moved to New York with Caleb. We have 1 son named Aiden. Every once in a while we go visit Emily. Like right now we're on our way to Rosewood. Surprisingly is letting me see my god daughter.

Emily's POV

I'm miserable. I've been married for about a year and it's been awful. I really liked Alex in the beginning, he was sweet and caring. He was my bestfriend. One night we got drunk and hooked up but it was nothing more than a drunken hook up but of course I couldn't of gotten pregnant since I have an extra package. Alex didn't see it like that. He was in love with me and wanted me for himself good or bad. He told me he knew where Alison was and he'd hurt her if I didn't love him. So I believed him. We started dating and had another drunken hook up. Around the same time I hooked up with this girl and she got pregnant but died a few months after Ale was born. My beautiful baby with dark blonde hair and bright blue eyes. I got married with Alex and to everyone on the outside we're this perfect family, but on the inside it's bad. REALLY BAD. Alex was sweet when we were together but when I had Ale he became a drunk and very abusive. He's raped me a couple of times despite my little friend, he didn't care for it. Every time I try to leave he threatens to take away Ale and I just can't have that happen. She's my angel sent from above. I can't let anything happen to her.

I hadn't seen Hanna for 2 months because of Alex. He said I spend to much time with her and needed to tell her to lay off, so I did in reality she was my only hope to ever get out of this broken home.

Alison's POV

It's been 7 years. I haven't seen Em or the girls in 7 years. I've always wanted to go back and I think now is the time. I never called Emily when I got to California. Yup that's where I went, Los Angeles, California. I became and millionaire because of my cars AE Automobiles when I started my company I used AE for Alison and Emily. I want my life with Emily. I've decided to go back to Rosewood for a while to find the love of my life.

In Rosewood

I got to the brew in my limo and saw a blue SUV pull in right next to the limo. I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw who walked out. Hanna fucking Marin, and a kid? Right after Hanna got out, Caleb walked out to.

I stepped out the limo and said " I never thought I'd see the day where Hanna Marin settled down."

Not a second later Hanna turned around and squealed.


"In the flesh."

"Omg you bitch where have you been all this time?"


"What the hell were you doing in LA?!"

"Starting my business but I'm back now for Emily." Right when I said that Hannas face dropped and she looked sad.

"What's wrong Han?" I asked

"umm well Emily got married. She didn't think you'd come back. She had a kid Alison I'm sorry."

"A kid?"

"Yeah her names Alexandria and she's 2 years old. Ali, she waited four years for you to return but she couldn't wait anymore she had to move on in life."

"Do you know how I could find her? I just need to see her before I leave town for good."

"For good?"

"Well yeah I only came back for Emily but before I leave I need to see her and make sure she's okay."

"Actually Ali were going to see her right now if you want to tag along."

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah, I'm sure Emily would love to see you"

"Okay. I'll follow you or y'all can go in the limo with me?"

"Omg! The limo!!"

"Yeah let's go"

We went to Emily's house and let's just say Emily did good in life she lives in a beautiful mansion with big gates.

"Em lives here?"

"Yeah her husband, Alex, he's kind of loaded."


"Yeah" Hanna said awkwardly.

The tall gates opened and our limo went in.

Emily's POV

I looked out the window and saw a limo pull up. Hmmm thats weird last time I checked Hanna didn't own a limo.

"Mwommy who's here?" Ale said

"I think it's auntie Han babygirl"

"Aidens here?!"

"Yeah lets go see her"

We walked outside and saw Hanna,Caleb, and baby Aiden walk out but not just them but Alison too?

"Aiden!!" Ale yelled

"Ale" Aiden yelled back

I was in pure shock still I can't believe she's here after all these years she came back.

"Hey em!" Hanna squealed


By the time I knew it Hanna had jumped on me, hanging on like if her life depended on it.

"Han is that Ali?" She whispered to Hanna away from Alison.

"Yeah I bumped into her at The Brew and invited her, I hope that's okay?"

"Yeah Han it's fine." I said with a smile.

"Hey Em" Ali said

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