Chapter 18

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Alison's POV

Today I'm going to L.A. for the day to check on the company and see how business is running. I wanted to take Emily and Alexis with me but Emily said that it was alright she would just stay and visit Hanna or something.

Emily's POV

Alison just left to the airport and now it's just Alexis and I.

"Mwmmy can i go outside?" She asked

"Sure baby I'll be right out I'm gonna go get your toys and I'll meet you outside okay?"

"Otay mwmmy" she replied the ran to the back yard.

Just as i was going to go outside with Alexis the phone rang

It was an unknown number, that's weird

"Hello?" i answered

i waited a few seconds but didn't get a reply instead i was met with heavy breathing

"Hello?" i asked again

"Alexandria" a husky voice said then hung up

"That was weird" i said to myself

I walked outside to look for Alexis but she was nowhere to be seen

"Alexis!" i called out but got no reply

"Alexis!" i yelled again but still got no reply

"Alexis?! Come out, this isn't funny anymore!" i yelled but still got no reply which was weird, this has only happened once before but Alexis came out after the second call.

I walked around the yard looking for Alexis and after fifteen minutes of looking and not being able to find her i ran inside and called the police.

"Hello 911 what's your emergency?" the lady that answered asked

"My daughter has been kidnapped!" i basically sobbed into the phone

"Ma'am i am going to need you to calm down, i'll send a few officers to you, what's your address?" she asked.

I gave her the address and we hung up. i called Alison but she didn't answer.

Alisons POV

I was in the middle of a very important meeting when my phone vibrated. I immediatley silenced it without looking at who called. Within the next couple of minutes i recieved eight calls. I decicded i needed to at least see who was calling. i ckecked my phone and to my suprise it was Emily ?

She woulnt have called if it wasnt important

"Excuse me i need to step out and take this" i said to my buisness clirend while pointing at my phone, they simply nodded so I stepped out and pushes answer

"Hello?" i answered

"ALI! IT'S ALEXIS" Emily sobbed into the phone

"Hey, whats wrong? what happened with Alexis?" i asked in the calmest voice i could muster even though i was freaking out on the inside

"Someone took her" emily said while trying to suppress her sobs.

" hey, it's okay were going to find her and bring her home okay?" i said softly. I knew i had to be the strong one right now. Emily needed me "Im going home right now"

"Okay" emily said and i could almost see her nodding through the phone

"It'll all be okay. I love you" i said

"I love you too" she replied then hung up.

I ran into the meeting room.

"I am so sorry, but i have to cut this meeting short but i really have to go" i said and ran out to my car.

I called my assistant on the way to the airport and told her what happened and to get the jet ready because we were going back to rosewood

It took me 4 and a half  hours but I finally got back to Rosewood

I ran inside my house that was full of police officers

"EMILY?!" I yelled as soon as I got in

"ALI!" Emily said and ran towards me and brought me into a big giant hug and started crying into my shoulder

"Hey, it's okay, look at me" I said softly when she didn't look I pulled back a little until a met those glossy brown eyes

I caressed her left cheek with my right hand

"It's okay we're going to find her okay?" I asked and she slowly nodded

I leaned in and softly kissed her lips with my own then hugged her again

"It's going to be okay baby" I said softly and rubbed circles on her back "Im going to go talk to the cops okay?" I asked and when she nodded I stepped back and headed towards the police

"Hello Ms.Dilaurentes" one of the officers greeted

"Good evening officer, I need a favor" I replied politely

"What kind of favor?" one of the officers asked

"I need Caleb Rivers and Officer Cavanuagh on the case" I said

"Right away Ms.Dilaurentes" the officer said and walked away

I walked back towards where Emily was and wrapped my arm around her

"I need security all around this house at all times and I need someone to check the security cameras" I said sternly in my professional voice

Right away everyone swarmed around following my command

"Ali Im scared" Emily whispered to me and my heart hurt seeing her like this, she doesn't deserve this.

"Don't be baby it'll be okay, were going to get our little girl back" I said and kissed the top of her head

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