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Don't expect these to be in any sort of order

This is going to be a good date in 1 year btw

BoB (Battle of the Books) just started, and it's fun seeing the 6th grade noobs they're so cute and small

Imma try to enter these daily but I'm probably going to fail because I lack commitment

Homework was easy today, just dealing with inequalities. I hope Mrs."B" actually grades my damn homework because I have a 67 in her class... so that's not great. I'm normally an A student but Math 1 is a bitch. I need to bring my grade up in all of my classes, or I'll be disowned lol

Just kidding, my parents don't care about my grades XD they don't even know because I conveniently "forgot" to show them my progress reports. My dad would probably be mildly concerned if he knew but that's fine. My mom too, honestly, but I don't really care that much.

My friend Kai is going to come over on Saturday. I use she/her pronouns for her, but she really doesn't care what pronouns you use so think of her however you want. Anyway, she's gonna sleep over so that'll be fun. My sister is coming home from her boarding school that day too, but "MS" thinks Kai is cool so it'll be fine. It'll be fun. We're probably going to watch Doctor Who and board ourselves up in my room. I'm going to have to move a lot of the blankets off of my loft to make room for her XD. We gon' cuddle and it's going to be very nice. 

Relax, it's platonic.

I kind of think of her as my platonic girlfriend which basically means my best best friend. I'm honestly conflicted as to whether I have a crush on her or not, because I might have a crush on her or I might just be really attached. That's a problem with me. Even if I did have a crush on her, it wouldn't come to anything. If I told her, it would be real awkward for a bit and then it would go back to normal. To be honest, I wouldn't want to date her. It would be weird, and forced, and wouldn't add anything to our relationship. 

So I tell her a lot of stuff, and I want to tell her about this Wattpad thing, but I won't because reading about herself would make her uncomfortable. Kai's cute like that. She's tall and scary but is also smol and soft. Let me paint a picture:

A really tall, pale girl with skinny hips and broad shoulders. Her hair is brown, long on top, and shaved on the sides. Today is "Throwback Thursday" for Spirit Week, and she's going for 90's grunge. She pulls it off perfectly, with a black band tee shirt, ripped jeans with black stockings underneath (cuz dress code exists XD), tattered black converses, and a leather jacket. She has an upside down wooden cross earring in one ear, and a diamond one in the other. She will deck anyone who stacks her friends, is very scary, but shrinks like a foot when stressed out, has a really cute smile, and a horrible sense of humor that is exactly like my own. Basically, she's an androgynous, really pretty human. Luv you Kai if you're reading this <3

So, all you need to know is that I'm a very gay human being. 

My friend group consists of 1 1/2 straight females (don't ask), one bi girl, one pansexual neutral human, me (a very lesbian female), and one chaotic gay. I'll call him N. He's a pretty recent addition to our group, as he just came to our school this year. He's... he's too much. He's wonderful and chaotic, but I'm the only one fully resistant to his energy-drainingness. He scares the straights, harasses the bi, and stresses Kai out. He's great, but it's hard to be around someone who's sucking the energy out of everyone around you, ya know?

He's also on the exact same side of social media as I am, but takes completely different things out of it. It's just one word:


I'll leave it at that.

Okay, I'm out, I gotta eat dinner. Thanks for listening to my thoughts, and I hope you have a wonderful day <3

Luv you :D

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