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Omni Pov-

Jasper sits at the end of a bed, frozen like stone, completely unmoving.

Pain unlike any he has experienced before digs into his chest, like someone trying to examine his insides with a knife.

No hint of it shows on his face, though. The clear, smooth stone is lifeless as it stares at the bed. If that were his power, the bed would be ablaze from the intensity of his gaze.

Outside the room, the other Cullens sit in the living area, their faces troubled. Even Carlisle, the most stoic and calm vampire seems tainted with anger.

"I don't understand why they would do this," he says, his voice hard on everyone's ears.

Alice, Edward, Jasper and Bella had not had time to completely explain what happened. Jordan's condition was too severe.

Carlisle tended to her immediately, picking up bits and pieces of information along the way. Now, with her stable, he is able to ask questions.

"Why would Jane turn Jordan?" He asks, frowning deeply.

"She wasn't trying to turn her, she was trying to kill her," Edward states. "Jasper is the only reason she didn't succeed."

The blond vampire had viciously attacked the female Volturi, as Jane is more than aware of his poweress in combat she felt it more in her personal interest to defend herself.

But her teeth went a little deeper than they normally should, and the Cullens had to rush her to Carlisle before she bled out.

Luckily, Jasper has some knowledge of medical treatment due to his time in the Civil War. Granted the medicine is outdated, but stemming blood flow has never really changed.

He he were human, Jasper is sure he would have experienced flashbacks. The wound is in the same place he's seen bullets rip through.

"But why?" Carlisle asks.

Edward hesitates, sharing a glance with Alice. They both struggle, trying to find the best words to explain it.

"She...Jasper attacked Jane, and she retaliated," Alice says slowly.

"That doesn't sound like Jasper," Carlisle says.

"Aro told Jane to test if Jordan was immune to her powers," Edward says. "He was protecting her."

"Because she used her powers on Jasper, Jordan put herself between them. But Jane didn't break eye contact." Alice pauses, her words becoming uncertain. "Somehow...I don't really understand..."

"Jordan managed to...block, Jane's powers, and Jasper could stand again," Edward says.

"So she has some kind of power. I don't see how that would make Jane attack her. She has a great amount of self control, and wouldn't attack someone without Aro's consent," Carlisle says, running a hand over his face.

Alice and Edward share another glance. It doesn't go unnoticed by Bella. She chews her lip anxiously, too worried to speak.

"When Jasper could stand again, something happened to Jordan," Alice says.

"Her face changed, for just a split second. But I think Jane sensed it," Edward says.

"What changed?" Emmett asks, his joking attitude gone for the time being.

Edward opens his mouth, his brow pulling together. "Her...her eyes did. For the shortest moment."

"I didn't see anything," Bella says, frowning.

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