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I look at him upon hearing my name. Flinching in fear of seeing him hate me, I am surprised at the worry etched on his features.

"Jordan, what is that?"


He slowly reaches out his hand to press it against my lip. Its really not the time nor the place for the shiver that runs down my spine.

When his fingers pull back, they are coated in a sticky black liquid. We both peer at it with a certain amount of disgust and concern.

"Carlisle!" Jasper yells.

I wince at the volume. We, as vampires, really don't need to shout. But sometimes, when he's worried or panicked, he forgets. I've theorised it's because the newborns he trained were often very loud.

But it's does the job. Carlisle, Alice and Edward all appear in less than four seconds.

Carlisle kneels down in front of me, carefully dabbing away the liquid with a tissue. He looks at it curiously, but with a worried eye.

"What's happening to me?" I ask, hoping my voice is steady.

"I can't say I know. But, this substance, it isn't blood. Something about it is familiar, I just can't place it," he says.

My shoulders are shaking. Not from tears, not from fear. Something else entirely. It's hard to pinpoint, but I've grown a little used to it now.

Standing up, I cross to the large window and look out. The trees are still, their leaves barely moving a centimetre. No wind, no birds, no movement.

The forest is holding it's breath. I want to know why.

My steps take me out of the house, down the stairs and to the edge of the woodland. My eyes do not stray from it for a moment.

I can hear the others following me, talking, saying my name. But it flows over my ears, like water over stone.

Nothing moves, not even the smallest insect. It's startlingly quiet, for an area usually screaming with the noises of animals.

"I know you're there."

A twitch, the tiniest movement. It brings a smirk to my lips. Playing hide and seek isn't hard with the senses of a vampire.

"Who are you?"

"Jordan, who are you talking to?" Bella asks, walking up next to me.

"Bella, don't," Alice says, presumably pulling her back judging by how she disappears from my side view. "Don't distract her."

A pair of eyes meet mine in the treeline, shimmering silver. They're young, but sharp.

"I can see you. Who are you?"

The figure steps forward, revealing a young girl with silver hair flowing down to her waist and amazing eyes. "Hello, Loreley."

I wince. "Please, call me Jordan."

She dips her head. "Of course. It's good to meet you, Jordan."

"What's your name?" I ask.

"Ahzara, but I prefer Zara," she replies with a smile.

"What are you doing here?" I ask.

"I'm here to see you," she says.


"You are having trouble, are you not? Being a Fae isn't an easy thing to adjust to."

Her eyes glint, and two blue wings appear on her back. They're small, but bright and magical looking. Her eyes turn a luminous shade of blue, but one of her teeth on each side of her top jaw sharpen like knives.

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