Walking In the Valley of Kings

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Sparking light flashes around us and vanishes, melting down to the ground like liquid. Azhara immediately walks forward while I hesitate, standing on trembling legs as I peer out of the portal. My jaw drops and my eyes bulge out of my head.

"You coming?" Ahzara says, looking back with a raised eyebrow.

I stumble out, spinning in circles and staring at everything around me, trying to process it. The ruins of the Scottish castle have disappeared without a trace, and there are no waves to be heard. In their place are great buildings carved from rock and square houses stacked on top of each other for miles in front of the portals. Streaks of red flame cross the sky, cutting the white clouds and lighting up the horizon.

"Is this the faerie world?" I ask, finally regaining control over my vocal cords.

Azhara grins, raising a hand towards the city. "Welcome to Carlor, the Realm's first line of defence."

My eyes trail up to a heavy flag flying on a pole, ruffled by the wind. It's grey, with a sword pointing upwards, and eight stars in a ring.

"This is...wonderful..." I whisper, a wide smile breaking over my face.

She laughs, shaking her head. "Come on then, or we'll be late."

I quickly catch up with her, my boots clicking on the stone floor. Armour-clad faeries stand in rows along the parapets above the portals, which stretch for miles in a half-circle. Fortresses emerge from the grey sea every ten houses, teeming with guards and soldiers, tiny winged children running by.

"So, where's the council meeting going to be?" I tear my gaze away from the scenery to look at Azhara.

"In the capital, Atesa, there," she points into the distance, where the shadow of a mountain is barely visible, "not the mountain itself, but just below."

"How do we get there? Is there another portal to use?"

"No, the eight rings are the only portals in the Realm; any others are illegal because they could compromise the structure of the veil protecting us."

I frown, looking at the distance between us and where she says the capital is. "We aren't going to fly, are we? I don't think I can go that far yet. I'm still in my training wings," I say with a chuckle.

Ahzara joins in, rolling her eyes. "We are flying, but don't worry, we're getting a ride."

Despite being a little confused, I follow her lead and go back to gazing at everything I possibly can. Never before have I been so grateful to be a vampire; I can see to the edge of Carlor and beyond.

"Here we go," she says.

"What?-ah! By fuck is that real?" I jump, staring with wide eyes at the carriage sitting in front of us, roped up to what I assumed was a horse. Except it has wings.

Azhara bursts into laughter, clutching her stomach; after a second, I do too, amazed by the warmth in my chest. All the stress and anxiety of yesterday has melted away, not even leaving a tainted shadow behind.

"Yes, it's real. They're pegasi, Jordan," she says, gesturing to the beautiful animals.

Their coats are a glossy silver, making their brown eyes seem even darker; the feathers of their wings shimmer in the sun, as if they've been sprinkled with gold dust. I reach my hand out towards them, but hesitate.

"Can I touch them?"

"You'll have to ask them," she says, and shrugs.

"Excuse me?"

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