The Battle for Tomorrow

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Dawn comes too quickly for either of our liking. Our bodies are drenched in sunlight as it spills over the balcony like clouds of honey. Leaves drift slowly down from high in the forest canopy - autumn is approaching. With the rising sun comes a cacophony of birdsong scattered across the woodland; gentle twitters, soothing melodies, and the sharp whistle of a blackbird.

I am sprawled over the top of Jasper, my head resting on his bare chest. His eyes are half-closed, one hand idly tracing circles on my equally-bare waist. The moment is serene, a pond without even a breeze to ripple it's surface. I take full advantage, a smile etched on my lips as I raise a hand to move a strand of amber hair from his forehead.

"Oh, how thy beauty doth defy even the most blazing moments of any dawn."

A quite laugh escapes me, looking up at the lazy grin on Jasper's face. "How poetic."

"There's more," he says, his eyebrows pulling shapes, "I've spent the past hour coming up with it."

"Oh? Well, don't let me stop you."

He clears his throat, pronouncing every word as flowingly as possible. "Wherefore doth thy eyes outshine even the moon itself, when She brings a light unto this world so Holy, even the mighty wolf bows before Her; the taste of thy lips, liketh the sweetest nectar, couldst turneth the dullest metal to solid gold at the barest toucheth. Oh, sweet temptress, weaveth thy spelleth unto me, and alloweth this mere sir to be with thee at each moment."

Jasper raises his head, moving his hand to my neck, stroking a thumb over the rough skin of my scar. I lean into his touch, closing my eyes to savour the feeling. His voice is soft as he speaks the final line.

"I couldst compareth thee to a summer's day, but nay day, night, or any reality of this earth wouldst speaketh true of the beauty of thy soul."

"If only I were half as smooth as you," I say, sighing deeply, "the best I've got is you're smoking hot and I love you."

"That's more than enough for me," he murmurs, brushing hair from my face and gently kissing my cheek.

Our entwined legs slowly untangling, we sit up, facing the now-risen sun, the glittering rays of light dancing off our exposed skin like shining a torch through a diamond. For the slightest moment, the world could freeze and neither of us would utter a single complaint, for it almost seems like the shadow of the future has vanished.

Then a shrill noise cracks the serenity in two, and Jasper darts away to answer his phone. I can hear it from the balcony; it's Alice.

"It's time, meet us at the field."

"We'll be there."

"Good. And Jasper, congratulations."


He turns around to face me, his amber eyes hard. No words are needed. I get up, folding my wings into my back and join him in dressing for the battle. Our clothes are stretchy, and plain black, a way for us to identify one another during the inevitable chaos. The purple ring stands out just that little bit more, which I don't mind; I take a second to admire it once more until Jasper announces its time to go.

"When it starts, stay close to me," he says lowly, "I intend to see the day you walk to me in white."

"Don't worry, Jasper," I reply, nuzzling into his cheek, "we're going to be okay. We are all going to be okay."


The Cullens are awaiting us, and flock to us immediately as we enter the clearing. While the air is tense, some of them wear smiles. Alice dances across the grass to hug me tightly, looking at me with big eyes.

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