The Truth Cannot Long Be Hidden

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Jasper jumps to his feet, staggering as his legs threaten to buckle beneath him. I catch him, allowing him to lean on me for support. A small, quick smile is sent my way as he tries to straighten up. We gather around the fire to face the Volturi.

There are four of them - Jane walks at the head, her brother by her side. The others are Felix and someone I don't recognise. But my attention is solely fixed on the blonde bitch. Her eyes sweep the field, lingering on me a second longer than anyone else. They lower their hoods and face us.

"Impressive, I've never seen a coven escape an assault of this magnitude intact," Jane says smoothly.

Carlisle smiles thinly. "We were lucky."

Jane's eyes are cold. "I doubt that."

"It appears we missed an entertaining fight," Alec says.

"Yes," Jane agrees, "its not often we're rendered unnecessary."

"If you'd arrived a half hour ago you would have fulfilled your purpose," Edward says calmly, but the accusation behind his words is dangerous, for all of us, and Jane doesn't miss it.

"Pity," she spits venomously, then an unpleasant glint comes into her eyes as they drift to the girl behind us, "you missed one."

Jasper steps away from me, gritting his teeth, to stand in front of Bree. I follow him, positioning myself in front of them both, holding her gaze. The Cullens shift uncomfortably, and Esme and Carlisle share a distressed glance.

"We offered her asylum in exchange for her surrender," he explains coolly.

I can feel the sadistic pleasure rolling off of Jane in waves as she speaks. "That wasn't yours to offer." Her gaze fixes on Bree. "Why did you come?"

I know that look in Jane's eyes, I know what comes next. The side of my neck nips painfully in memory. Making a split-second decision, I throw out my hands, palm up, towards the Volturi. For a moment it seems strange to everyone, until Jane's piercing scream rips through the air and she drops to her knees.

"Try that again and it will be the last thing you ever do."

Disbelief shines clear from Jane, her mouth agape and rage beginning to fester in the curl of her lip, and the way her hands dig into the ground. Her companions stare in horror. Alec reacts with anger, clouds of black smoke seeping from his outstretched hands, just like the newborn.

Turning one hand in his direction, the smoke doubles back on itself and attacks it's master, robbing him of all his senses. A purple light crackles through it. The same colour has tinted my vision ever so slightly, and in the terrified eyes of the Volturi I can see the glow of my own.

"The girl will not be harmed, certainly not at your hands. Now, I suggest you leave, before I get really irritated."

I release Alec, but maintain the invisible shield between the Volturi and the Cullens. Part of me expects them to retaliate, but when Felix steps towards Alice and is thrown to the other side of the field, they brush themselves down and leave with a haughty air. I don't miss the scorching glare from Jane that lingers for a while after they have disappeared from view.

"Thank you," a small voice says.

Turning around, I find Bree standing at Jasper's side, smiling timidly. She is obviously frightened. I do my best to appear as normal as possible, allowing my wings to fade from sight and shrink my pointed teeth.

"Are you alright?" I ask, still unnerved by the burgundy hue of her eyes.


"Good. Esme, Carlisle, it's up to you now." I walk over to Jasper, bringing a hand up to cup his jaw. He leans into me, a smile on his lips. But something in his eyes isn't right.

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