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Exhilaration rushes through my body. Watching the woods whizzing past me, yet not missing a single detail, is utterly amazing. Being able to see what Jasper sees gives me a very interesting insight into his world.

I feel absolutely no strain on any parts of my body. My feet glide over the land seamlessly. So many smells I've never picked up before hit me, and sounds I've never heard before reach my ears.

A wild, playful growl escapes my throat in response to Jasper's appearance next to me in the trees.

I push faster, laughing as I hear him do the same. We hurtle through the forest, probably traumatising every animal for miles.

I can see an incline, like a ramp, protruding from the ground ahead of us. A grin comes to my face and I glance to my side.

Jasper, his lean form weaving through the trees, flashes a smile in my direction. His obliviousness to my thoughts makes me want to laugh.

I'm a vampire now. I can't die, and it won't hurt if I muck things up. I can do things I've always wanted to.

My reflexes are heightened so much that even before I've set my foot on the stone, my muscles are tensing to give me the boost I'll need.

One final push, and my feet leave the ground as I flip off the rock.

I soar through the air, much higher than I thought I would go. It's amazing. My body feels weightless, as if I could actually fly.

Due to my gymnastics, I have perfect form as the wind whips past me. My body flips a few times before I land on my feet.

Jasper is stood by a large oak, his mouth hanging open and his eyes as wide as saucers. I smile at him, and start running again.

But it seems I'm not as quick as I thought. Because a few seconds later, strong arms wrap around my waist and drag me to the side.

We crash through branches and foliage, coming to a stop in a small clearing where I can hear rushing water.

I find myself on top of Jasper, and smile, while a giggle finds its way out of my chest unprompted.

His eyes are still wide, and his mouth has settled in an 'O' shape. There's something in his gaze that I cannot fathom, but as he reaches up to stroke my face, it leaves my head.

"So beautiful," he whispers.

Jasper's POV

I can't believe what I'm seeing. This girl, this wonderful, astounding girl...it doesn't shock me that she holds such a surprise within her.

As Jordan flew through the air, I was busying staring at her graceful movements when I noticed the purple ringed wings protruding from her back, between the shoulder blades.

They boosted her, causing her to rise further in the air than I ever could. I'm not sure she even noticed.

When she landed, she looked at me, and I saw her wings glittering in the sun, along with the deep purple of her eyes. Her teeth glinted as she smiled, revealing two pointed teeth.

Now, with her sitting atop me, her wings still visible, I can't help but stare. She is truly beautiful. It is hard for me to believe she loves me.

But by whatever gods or beings are out there, I love her.

"What are you staring at?" She asks.

"You," I reply.

A blush rises to her cheeks, causing me to chuckle. This only worsens things.

Quick as a flash, I sit up and kiss her cheek, before lying back down with my hands behind my head.

"I wonder what I could have done to deserve that?" She asks, smiling sweetly.

"You exist," I say, allowing my gaze to flicker over every detail of her features. I've missed them so much.

Jordan throws her head back and laughs, looking back to me with sparkling eyes. She then proceeds to lie down and snuggle into my side.

My arm automatically twists around her side and pulls her closer, allowing her head to rest on my chest, just under my chin.

Her hand curls up there too, drawing patterns onto my shirt. It relaxes me so much I find my eyes slipping shut.



"Why did you go to the Volturi with Edward?"

Her voice is quiet, careful. But it is clear the answer is important to her. I force open my eyes to concentrate on my words a bit more.

"When I overheard what Rosalie told Edward, I didn't believe it at first. How could I? But when I started to think about it more, it made sense. I'd had no contact from you, no indication of how you took my last text..." I sigh, breathing in the scent from her hair. "I instantly went to find Edward. I knew what he would do. He had told me. So I joined him. Believe it or not, that journey was incredibly hard for me."


I pause for a moment. "...thinking that you were dead, and I caused it, brought me more pain than I thought possible for a vampire. Moving was a chore, and even though my throat burned like a fire had been lit in it, I did not have the energy--nor the strength--to feed."

She has ceased drawing shapes on my chest, and I can focus a little better. But I wish she would speak. Say something. Anything.

Silence after a thing like that isn't pleasant. Jordan could be thinking anything, and I won't ever know.

An old joke rests on the tip of my tongue, but I hold it back. This isn't the time, nor the place.

"I want you to promise me something, Jasper," she says in the same careful tone.


"If I ever die, by whatever means, you won't do that again. Or seek revenge."

That is a tall order. I'm not sure I would be able to fulfil it. The pain I felt...is not something I could cope with for longer than what I did. Holding her again, that day in Volterra, was like stepping into a Heaven where I never left her. Where I wasn't an idiot.


"I don't know if I can do that, Jordan. And I'm being honest here. I don't want to make you a promise that I cannot keep," I say.

"Okay. Well, don't promise me. Promise Esme, and Alice, even Emmett," she says, sitting up to look me in the eye. "Because they are the ones who will suffer when you die."

I wince a little, thinking of my adopted family. It's true. They would feel somewhat responsible for my death.

Finally, the words wrench themselves out of my chest. "I promise."

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