(Back To School Pt.2)

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I can tell something is bothering Jasper as the day goes on. He's a bit quieter than usual.

Due to the blatant glares I see shot at Mason, and the discomfort as behind it, I decide to deal with what I believe is the problem.

As we are heading to lunch, I slow my pace. Jasper automatically responds to me. I pull him back, rotating him and gently pressing his back to the corridor wall.

I've been carefully watching around me, looking for Mason. So I waited until he was right behind us to make my move.

"Jordan?" Jasper asks softly.

"You shouldn't worry about him, Jaz. You are all I want, and ever will want," I whisper next to his ear.

A shiver runs over his skin, bringing a smirk to my lips. Jasper may be physically stronger, but I can make him melt with very little effort.

I know Mason is watching. So, in the crook of Jasper's neck, I let my eyes shine purple for a moment. It heats up my lips before I kiss him roughly.

He seems shocked at first, judging by his slight jump. But it doesn't take long for him to reciprocate.

I admit, it's quite thrilling knowing Mason is watching, probably boiling with rage.

A very quiet moan sounds in Jasper's throat, one only I hear. I pull back, smiling, keeping his gaze.

Without looking back at Mason, we join hands and walk along the corridor to the cafeteria.

I clasp his hand tightly, moving in close to his shoulder. My voice is low, just for him to hear.

"Don't ever doubt that I love you. Nothing could ever shift my gaze. You are all I could ever need. Please be with me."

He squeezes my hand tighter.


I hate maths. I hate it so much. I already know this shit, and the teacher ain't doing a great job of explaining it to everyone who doesn't.

With this swirling around my head, it's taking a lot of concentration for me to control my magic. So far I've nearly blown up a duster the teacher was using.

Apparently, due to his quiet chuckling, Jasper finds this quite amusing. I try and shoot him a few glares but I can't muster enough emotion for it.

He leans over and whispers right next to my ear. "So, this is boring, for both of us. We could have a lot more fun in the spare classroom next door..."

My eyes widen and I whip my head around to look at him, shocked. He holds my gaze, smirking--dare I say it--rather seductively.

Sparks fly over my skin as he drags a finger over my arm, tracing all the way down to where my hand rests of my thigh.

"Jaz, we're in school!" I hiss, thankfully remembering to use my vampiric voice.

"I know," he says, smirking that smirk again. It makes my magic vibrate unsteadily.

Breathless, I turn my attention back to the teacher, determined to not let him distract me like this. But it's pointless. I've never been able to ignore him from the first day I saw him at the back of that damn classroom.

He's still intoxicating, he still drives me crazy!

"Jaz, you need to stop, otherwise you will regret it," I say.

"Will I?" He asks, his breath sending tingles down my neck.

I face him, smirking evilly, and for the first time ever, Jasper looks nervous about it. I don't think he expected me to react in such a public place.

But he's forgetting that he's the one who is easily embarrassed. And I know every single trigger. Which can be subtly exploited.

I'm about to lean closer to him, but stop as a deep seated dread pools in my heart. I automatically frown in response, something Jasper catches and mimics.

"Are you alright?" He asks.

"Mr. Hale, could you please refrain from talking while I am speaking?" The teacher says, flicking an irritated gaze over to us.

"Sorry, sir, but I think I might need to take Jordan outside. She doesn't look well," Jasper says, anxiously grasping my arm.

My vision is swimming hazily, as if I were underwater. Pin-pricks of pain are starting to trickle down my spine, spreading along my nerves like water droplets.

I think I know what's coming. My shockingly empty stomach jolts painfully, churning, sending venom up my throat to pool in my mouth.

"Yes, I think that's best. Take her to the nurse, Mr. Hale," he says, worry etched into his tone.

Jasper wraps an arm around my shoulders and gently guides me out of the room while pressure builds in my head.

Everything spins as my surroundings change, but I don't really pay attention to that. It's chillingly familiar when my vision starts to cloud, as if mist were hovering over my eyes.

Pain explodes in my stomach, unlike before. It makes me double over in an attempt to stop it.

"Jordan, Jordan, what's wrong? Love, I don't understand, what's happening?" Jasper asks, panic beginning to appear in his voice.

I try to find my voice, through the pain, and the mist. It takes a lot of effort. "Don't take me to the nurse. Forest...now."

He hesitates, then rewinds his arm around my shoulders and starts pulling me towards the hill across from the car park. I can feel it when my feet hit the grass--it's soft and my shoes sink into it.

Jasper whispers soothing things in my ear, but the worry is evident. I try and squeeze his hand reassuringly but I'm not sure it works well.

Acid ripples up my throat. My knees buckle underneath me and Jasper moves very quickly, very suddenly. Along with a hot, slimy liquid, nerve-wrecking pain cascades done my spine.

Assumingly, black liquid hits the ground with a horrible retching noise as I vomit. Jasper still has a hold on my shoulders, easing some of the anxiety twisting my stomach.

"You're okay, hey, hey, shh. Jordan, you're okay."

I throw up again, more violently this time. My legs give out again and Jasper is all that's left to hold me up.

Other voices appear next to me.

"Jasper?! What's wrong with her?"


"Oh my goodness, Jordan!"


"I saw her. We need to get her to Carlisle. Too many people will see," Alice says, kneeling down beside us.

"Can he help her?" Emmett asks, the frown audible in his tone.

I groan in pain, begging for unconsciousness. But I know it will never come. Never again will I be able to experience that blissfully unaware state of being.

Many expletives cross my mind, jumbled with other thoughts and memories of the previous times this has happened. But one thing sticks out, steady and unaffected by my condition.

Why is this happening to me?

Happy New year everyone! =)

Getting back on track now :)

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