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"She can't mean Mason West," I mutter, a dazed feeling coming over me.

Jasper winds an arm around me and smiles, kissing my hair. A pleased hum vibrates in his chest. "Your scent is normal again."

"It changed?"

"Yeah. Must have been the spell."

The spell. My anger returns thinking about it. How dare Adrian do such a thing? How dare he try and control me!

All that time he spent pretending to be my friend! Why bother? And what if that spell had worked? Where would I be right now? Worshipping at his fucking feet?!

"Jordan...calm down."

He tired to take my away from Jasper, to ruin my life! For what? So he could have me?

My stomach turns over in disgust at that idea. Not even the tiniest trace of my former feelings remain. That is all I need to know to know it wasn't real.

How. Dare. He.


I finally look at Jasper. His eyes are wide and worried. I follow everyone's gaze to my clenched fists.

They are shaking, enveloped in blazing purple flames. Sparks shoot off and bounce on the floor.

I take slow breaths to calm myself, watching the flames gradually die down and disappear.

I raise my head to look at the Cullens. "Sorry."

Jasper and I go hunting, deciding it best to get some air. We feed, and go for a wander, but at a normal pace.

The silence is nice, but my mind is buzzing with questions. I have so many things to think about, but not enough time to do it.

"I'm glad you told me, you know."

"Told you what?" I ask.

"About Adrian. I can't imagine how difficult that all must have been for you. And to think, I was in Italy, completely unaware." He frowns.

We sit by the small pond and talk for a few hours. I savour the time spent curled into his side watching the water ripple. After the chaos of the last few days, its wonderfully peaceful.

When Charlie calls for me to come home, I oblige. And as soon as he and Bella are asleep Jasper hops in my window.

The night rolls along, the sky darkening and lightening again. Silver and blue dots shine and dance overhead while the moon rides it's chariot of stars across the black expanse of space.

Fireflies and bats fly past, stopping to say hello before continuing on their journey to the woods. They have food to get.

Reclined on Jasper's chest on my windowsill, I enjoy the breathtaking nature of the night. At this point, I think its my favourite part of the day.

Jasper's arms are slung over my shoulders, his hands mingled with mine. He traces the lines on my palm, counts my fingers and makes up predictions of my future.

"...have you ever thought about marriage?" He suddenly asks, his soft voice brushing past my ear.

His question surprises me, and I take a moment to reply. "Once or twice, yes. Why?"

"What were your thoughts about it?" He asks, avoiding my question.

I watch his elegant fingers idly drag over the palm of my left hand. "I'm not really sure. Maybe that I never thought it'd be in the cards for me."

"And why did you think that?"

"I was still in a relationship with Johnny at that point."

His hands squeeze my own for a moment. I appreciate the gesture. We've talked about Johnny once or twice. And about my scars. I've opened up to him the same as he has to me.

"Would you ever think differently?"


He nods, going quiet, but continuing to play with my hands. He seems lost in thought, so I let him be.

My own mind wanders to Zara, and the fact that I have another half sister. My father sure has kept a lot of things from me.

It strikes me that I never asked her age. By eye, I'd say she was fourteen. Maybe sixteen at a push. And a big one at that.

I'm never the younger sibling. But I suppose at this point, Rosalie has become my older sister. At least in my eyes she has. I feel like that's the kind of relationship we have.

Half of me wishes I could sleep, but the other half is exuberant at the extra time with Jasper. Either way, it's a win.

The night passes surprisingly quickly, and a new school day dawns bright and early.

* * *

I walk beside Jasper, holding his hand. My eyes scan the car park, unconsciously looking for Mason. I've been theorising about him all night.

But he's not here. And we are late for class, somehow.

All in all, its a pretty boring day. Although my teacher does check in on me to make sure I am okay after Jasper having to all but carry me out yesterday.

When lunch comes, Bella and Alice drag us over to the table with them, Edward, Mike, Angela, Eric and Jessica. They are still getting over the fact that some of the Cullens are sitting with them.

As Valedictorian, Jessica has to write a speech for graduation. Mike is trying to help. Emphasis on the 'trying'.

"I can't believe I'm going to graduate," I murmur to Jasper.

"Don't worry. The novelty will wear off very quickly," he says, grinning at me.

I playfully shove his shoulder, then return to leaning on it. I don't have a problem with showing my affection in public, but Jasper can be quite shy around other people. I try and keep it simple for his sake.

"I've decided to throw a party," Alice happily announces.

"After all, how many times are we gonna graduate high-school?" Jasper asks with a smirk.

Edward laughs quietly while Alice rolls her eyes at them, still bursting with excitement.

"A party? At your place?" Angela asks shyly.

"I've never seen your house," Jessica says.

"No one's seen their house," Eric says.

"I have," I mutter, tracing my finger along Jasper's arm. I've memorised where all his scars are.

"Another party, Alice?" Edward asks exasperatedly.

"It'll be fun," she replies.

"Yeah, that's what you said last time," Bella says.

Jasper tenses under me. I glare at my sister for being so rude, and Alice is clearly saddened by her words. A small spark of anger lights in my stomach.

But she falls back in her chair, a vacant expression on her face, one I recognise. Bella distracts Angela and Jessica, while Edward listens in on Alice's vision.

The only thought I can manage is what now?

Flames [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now