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As we are about to leave school, I spot Mason across the car park, looking anxious.

"I'll be back in a minute, Jaz." I unwind my arm from him and walk to the distracted looking boy. "Mason?"

He jumps a little, his eyes darting around before finding me. "Ah. J-Jordan. Hi."

"...are you alright?" I ask as a frown pulls my lips.

He clears his throat, shuffling his feet. "Yeah. I'm good. What about you?"

I stare at him for a second. "I'm...fine. You know I know, right?"

Mason's breath seems to catch in his throat. His voice is hoarse. "Ah. Okay. Um..."

"Thank you, Mason." I smile at him.

His brow knits in confusion. "For what?"

"If you didn't tell Zara about my sickness I would still be suffering from it. So thank you," I say.

A bashful grin appears on his face as he scratches the back of his head. "No problem. I'm glad you're well again."

"Me too. Although some unexpected things came with it." I laugh lightly.

"Yeah, I know the feeling." Mason smiles.

"When did you find out...what you are?" I lower my voice.

"I was eleven, I think. Suddenly realised I could make things move without touching them and then I sprouted wings," he says, his eyebrows resting in his forehead.

A laugh bubbles in my chest. I'm smiling easier now my feelings aren't clouded. It's nice. I don't know how I didn't pick up on it before.

Mason's expression falls again, his eyes darkening. "I have to apologise, for my behaviour. Towards you and Jasper."

His words shock me. I certainly never expected this. For a second, I look for dishonesty, deceit. But there is none to find.

It's through that I realise how much damage Adrian's actions have caused. I don't think I will ever be able to forgive him.

"It was out of line and rude. If you want, we could meet up so I can explain a little. There is more to it than me being jealous."

I smile. "I'd like that, Mason. But I have to go now. I'll catch you tomorrow."

He nods, also brightening. "Yeah, sure. See you."

I turn to find Jasper watching us with curious eyes. My feet carry me straight into his arms, wanting to reassure him. Even though I'm sure he heard everything.

"Things are better," I say, leaning my head on his chest.

My words make him smile, and he places a soft kiss on my hair. But the moment doesn't last, as is set in worry. He meets my gaze and sighs. "We need to go back to the house."

"Yeah, I guessed as much."

We get in and leave the school, Jasper's smooth but fast driving meaning we arrive at the Cullen house quickly.

Stepping out, I smile at him over the hood of the car. "One day, I'd like to fly here."

"Now that would be a sight to see," Jasper says with a teasing wink, "would certainly entertain me in a certain way."

I wack his arm and curl into his side as we join the others in the living room. Alice looks worried.

"Okay, good. Alice, tell us what you saw," Carlisle says.

The small vampire frowns, beginning to speak. "I saw Victoria. She was in the forest near here."

My back straightens of its own accord, the last meeting I had with the red haired demon coming to mind. It is not missed by the others.

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