(Oh Deer)

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Am I insane?

Or is that really what I saw?

I'm sure it is. The image is so clear in my mind.

I mean, I'm a half vampire half fae thing, dating a vampire...best friend is a vampire too...half sister with wings...surely a centaur isn't too far of a stretch?

But the bigger issue, is that if there did happen to be horse people living in the forests of Forks, wouldn't someone have noticed by now? There's a clan of wolves, a clan of vampires, and lots of local hunters. Unless they've moved here recently...

Hang on. Stupid, stupid, stupid, Jordan! Why am I bothering to sit here and wonder whether I've lost my mind? I could just ask someone.

I've stopped pacing, my realisation freezing me in place as if struck by a lightning bolt.

My hand jumps to my neck, where the crystal Zara gave me still rests against my collarbone.

Wrapping my fingers around it, I cautiously call out. Ahzara?

No matter how many times I do this, I'm going to feel like an idiot. Its so damn strange.

Nevertheless, I fling my legs over the side of my window as I patiently wait for a response as if I've just sent someone a text.

The sky is still quite dark, although beginning to tinge a lighter blue around the edges ever so slightly. A bird has begun to sing deep in the forest, awakening it's kin.


I jump, instinctively looking over my shoulder, wholly expecting to find her standing behind me. But my room is empty.

Shaking my head at my own nonsense, I grasp the crystal.

Hello, Zara. How are you?


Hey. I'm doing well. What about you? What's going on over there?


That's good to hear. I am...okay, I guess. Um, boy...where to start? Some random vampire came into my house and rifled through my things, Bella and I have fallen out, and...well, this is actually what I'm contacting you about...are centaurs real?

I anxiously wait for her response, imaging her laughing at me. But thankfully, that's not what I hear.

Of course. Why? Have you seen one?

Letting out a deep sigh of relief, I nod to myself, then remember she can't see me.

Yes. Well, I think. Surely if there were centaurs here someone would have seen them?


Actually, the chance of someone seeing them is even more low. You see, a long time ago, apparently Humans call this era 'the Dark Ages', we Fae decided that it would be best to cast a worldwide concealment spell to protect all magical beings. Things were changing, we all were in danger.


Then how was I able to see the centaur, if there is a concealment spell?


You have to remember, Jordan. You are incredibly powerful. Fae are not the only beings able to sense this. It is possible for other magical beings to see through this spell. Perhaps that's why you are only now seeing them, as you come into your powers.



But...what would a centaur be doing at the side of a road?...holding a spear?

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