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Bella scoffs loudly. "You can't be serious? That proves nothing."

"But, it does mean that this ritual has to work. Otherwise she'll die, and prove herself a liar," Carlisle says. "Either way, Jordan won't be harmed."

Most of them still look unconvinced. I sigh and look at Zara again, my supposed half-sister. I want to be like the others, distrustful, as I usually am. But the niggling feeling at the back of my head won't let me.

Now that I look at her, I find a lot of things that remind me of my biological father. Her face, delicate, but with a hard line in the jaw. We share the same broad shoulders, and small ears.

"Alright. Let's do this."

I walk over and stand in front of her, waiting for direction. Part of me squirms anxiously, while the other grins with excitement at the prospect of performing more advanced magic.

"Hold onto my wrists, and I'll do the same. Good. Now, I need you to let me into your memories," she says as I follow her instructions.

I imagine my face would be red if I were human as I think about all the things she could see. To be honest, I would rather keep my memories of Jasper private.

"Or, if you'd rather, show me the memories you think I will find the answer in. That means I only see the ones you allow me to," she says.

"Okay, how do I do that?"

Zara's grip on my wrists tightens as she looks me in the eye. Her sweet smile has been replaced by a seriousness I didn't expect in the young girl.

"You know what your magic feels like. Most of controlling it is about thoughts, the rest emotions. But right now we need the mental side. So, concentrate on moving your magic to your hands, and I'll do the same."

My brow furrows and my lips form a frown. It may sound easy, but it isn't. Yes, I know what my magic feels like--a layer of warmth lying underneath my skin--but most of the time I use it instinctively. Actually forcing it to do what I want is difficult.

Slowly, the warmth increases, beginning to move like an ocean tide. The power boils within me. I feel the change in my eyes and teeth. But it does not scare me anymore.

A rush of adrenaline surges through me. The pulsing heat shoots to my hands, where I feel it collide with something else.

Bright purple and blue sparks explode outwards from our hands. They erupt into flames that dance over our skin, sending waves of heat through us.

My eyes widen in amazement at the sight before me. Out of the corner of my gaze, I see the Cullens wearing much the same expressions.

I don't have much time to admire it, though. A second passes and my head jerks back, my vision being swallowed by white light that soon fades to black.

Darkness surrounds me. But its different. Not like the darkness I felt when I was drowning. That was cold, painful. This is warm, like sleeping next to a gentle campfire.

I'm alone. At least, from what I can see. Which is nothing. There's no noise except my breathing, that is actually totally unnecessary.

The darkness in front of me begins to swirl, a million different colours flashing through it. Snipits of conversations reach my ears, but quickly fade out.

A presence appears beside me. It's non-threatening, almost familiar. I turn and look.

It's Zara, of course. But she is outlined by a faint blue glow hugging the curves of her body. It reminds me of drawing I made in nursery.

Flames [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now