(Rainy Hollow)

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We've been walking through the woods for a while now. Jaz has had a tight grasp on my hand for it all, tugging me along excitedly.

It's odd, seeing him like this, but I like it. He isn't brooding, sad, distant, or dealing with some nightmare from his past. He's here, now, with me. And he seems very happy with that.

"Where are we going, Jaz? I want to pack my stuff," I say, a smile playing on my lips.

"I would like to show you this, first. I think you'll like it. Well, I hope," he says.

A few seconds later, he comes to a sudden stop, flitting in front of me. Because of my pace, I don't have time to stop and walk right into his chest.

I look up at him, glaring playfully. "What did you do that for?"

"So I could do this," he replies, walking behind me and placing his hands over my eyes.

"Jaz," I whine.

"Be patient, love," he says, his breath fanning my ear as he speaks.

He carefully guides me forward. His hands gently turn me and disappear as he steps back. "Okay, open your eyes."

My jaw hits the floor as I set eyes on my surroundings. I rotate slowly, looking at all the wonderfully bright lanterns hung from the branches of the trees.

The entire clearing is lit by a warm orange glow, centered around the middle, where a huge oak stands in the centre, supporting the wooden tree house built around it. Bulbs hang from long reels of rope tied to the porch, which is at least twenty feet off the ground.

There is a bridge built into it, leading from the ground and winding through the air onto the porch area.

Next to this bridge is a lopsided sign stuck in the ground, simple words etched into it.

Rainy Hollow.

My lips lift in a smile, the curve of my teeth briefly touching them as they sharpen.

Whirling around, my lips quickly find Jasper's as I wind my arms around his neck, drawing him in close to me.

He smiles into the kiss, reciprocating eagerly. The slow tease of his tongue against my lips feeds the fire in my heart.

"Do you like it?" He asks, pulling back a little.

"It's beautiful!" I say, bouncing on my toes.

"Well, good, because I built it for us to live in," he says, somewhat in a rush.

Once again, my eyes grow wide as my mouth falls open. "What? Really?"

"Yes. I was going to build a little stone cottage near our glade, but after we found out about your wings I thought this would be better. It gives you space to fly and privacy to practise your magic," he says, leaving an arm slung over my shoulder in order to play with my hair.

His eyes flicker over my head and eyes while he speaks, a content smile playing on his lips.

I can't believe that he has specifically built our home so that I can be myself without fear of prying eyes. He's put so much effort and thought into this...I wish I could put into words how much it means.

But...maybe...maybe I don't have to use words. I can use my Nala.

"Our home is beautiful , Jaz. I love it," I say, placing my forehead against his, which I have to go on my tippy toes to do, and letting my eyes glow purple.

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