(Passed Out)

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Jordan's POV

When we return to the house, I jump and land on his balcony. He appears next to me a moment later, interlinking our fingers.

His room is exactly as I remember, even down to the book placement on his desk. He must have had enough time to unpack before I woke up.

"Give me a minute," he says, and let's go of my hand to open his closet and look through it.

While he does this, my eyes wander around the room, a soft smile on my face as I relish the familiarity of it.

His scent fills the room, so sweet and gentle. I take deliberate deep breaths to fill my lungs with it.

"Ah, here it is," Jasper mutters.

I hear him shut the doors, and turn to face him. As I do, my eye catches his desk. Right in the middle, as if it had been laid down and read through more than once, is an envelope that I remember well.

Jasper grins at me, a nervous light in his eyes as he holds his hand out to me, something clutched in it.

My gaze flicks down, and I raise an eyebrow before looking back at him. "I feel like there's a story here."

His grin turns abashed, and he ducks his head as he shrugs. "I wanted something that smelt like you...so I borrowed this from your room."

I take it from his hand and look it over, chuckling lightly. The white fabric is soft and dry, but with stains I can recall the stories behind easily.

A deep breath tells me that it doesn't smell like me anymore--replaced by woodland musk, pine, and a sweet fragrance only Jasper holds.

"I did wonder what I did with it," I say, laughing. "But why did you take it?"

He turns his body away from me slightly, his eyes darting everywhere. "I just wanted to keep your scent with me. I know that must sound strange. Genuinely, at first that was all it was."


"But," he says, sighing and sitting on the edge of his couch. "As time went on, and I spent more time among humans, my thirst became a problem. Through a mistake, I found that the scent from your jumper soothed any...unpleasant urges I had."

"I'm glad that my jumper helped you," I ask, only teasing a small bit.

My attention is elsewhere, anyway. I glance at his desk again, stepping over to it and gently picking up the worn envelope between two fingers.

As I turn, I realise Jasper is already looking at me. His eyes flick to my hand, and he smiles softly.

"Ah, yes. About that." He stands and gracefully strides across the room to my side, taking the envelope from my grip. "You have a thing about letters, don't you?"

I shrug. "I guess. Did you read it?"

"Yes. Many times." He takes the letter out, his eyes skimming over it, but I don't doubt he got every word. "During the last few days, especially."

"Sorry about that," I say, frowning a little and lowering my eyes.

"Why on Earth are you sorry?" He asks, his brow pulled together in confusion. "It's hardly your fault Jane decided to sink her teeth into your throat."

The deep fury ringing in his words sends a shiver down my back. I meet his eyes, and understand what happened.

It was silly of me to think that Jasper would let Jane get away with that unharmed. Anyway, how else would she have let go of me?

"Were you hurt?" I ask, reaching out a hand to grip his wrist.

He smiles, but there is no humour in it. "I doubt you could tell if I was. There are too many scars already."

My eyes narrow. "Roll up your sleeves."

Jasper hesitates, holding my gaze uncertainly. Then he does as I said, and rolls up the sleeves of his shirt.

I look them over, lightly tracing each one. It's true, there are many more than I first thought. But that doesn't stop me from being able to find the newest one.

His eyes widen in surprise as I press it. Even the shape of the bite is unfamiliar.

"It's that one," I say.

He nods. "Yes. It is. How can you tell?"

"Jaz, love, I already memorized what you look like, down to each and every scar," I say, smiling softly.

He pulls me into his arms, and I lean my head on his chest. After a few moments, Jasper does something he has never done before.

He stumbles.

"Jaz, are you okay?" I ask, immediately taking my head off his chest.

With a sigh, he nods, but his eyes are nearly closed. "How are you doing that? I feel like I could go to sleep."

"Jaz, vampires don't sleep," I say, worry growing in my chest as his woozy state.

He doesn't respond to me, and fear makes my hands shake as his eyes roll back into his head.

"Alice!!" The words slip from my lips as I gently lower Jasper to the ground.

I'm hyperventilating, shaking him and desperately trying to wake him. I jump when a hand appears on my shoulder, but relax when Alice bends down next to me.

"What happened?" She asks, frowning.

Carlisle appears on Jasper's other side, his face mirroring hers. His glance at me asks the same question.

"I-I don't know, he said he felt like he could sleep and passed out," I say, brimming tears choking me.

Carlisle checks him over, not saying as word as Alice hugs me in an effort to provide comfort. Edward, Bella, Emmett, Rosalie and Esme all appear too.

"What did he say exactly?" Carlisle asks, sitting back.

"Um," I say, thinking back, and finding I can recall it perfectly. "He said, 'how are you doing that? I feel like I could sleep', and passed out."

"Emmett, bring Jasper," Carlisle says.

Emmett does as he's told, and picks Jasper up off the floor before zipping after Carlisle.

Tears drip from my eyes and onto the carpet. I feel something in side me burn, my helplessness feeding its fire.

I can't help it. My body moves on instinct, and I am running through the woods quicker than any birds could pick up.

One thing is in my mind, driving my body forward like a thing possessed.

A deep yearning, a burning need that consumes my rational thoughts.

I, am so, so, thirsty.

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