(My Everything)

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I don't know how long the fire lasted. All I know, is that every now and then, something thick and heavy would fall on me, preventing me from moving or crying out.

But it did not put the fire out. I still felt every second of its searing touch. The only thing that kept me going was the occasional snippets of Jasper's voice I caught.

"What happened?"

I look from face to face, not understanding their confusion and surprise.

My body feels weird, stronger, no longer plagued by illness, but...weird. Not to mention my throat is burning quite painfully.

"Jordan!" Bella exclaims next to my ear, making me jump, and throws her arms around me.

I laugh, then stop. Breathing in burns my throat. And now I've noticed something else that is quite strange. Bella has a scent, like lavender and...jasmine. Its good.

A thought crosses my mind, and I freeze, not daring to move. Slowly, I speak.

"Bells, you need to move."

Even that is an effort. But she does what I say, her face also confused. I wait a moment before breathing in again.

"By what just happened, I'm going to guess the ending to our visit to the Volturi," I say, looking at them each in turn. "I'm a vampire?"

The grim silence gives me my answer. I sit back, nodding as I try and sort it out in my head. But something more than that is off.

My body feels stronger, and colder. Which is weird for me, because I have always had a high body temperature. But beyond that and the burning in my throat, I feel a connection to something. I can't see it, or hear it but I know it's there.

"Are you alright, Jordan?" Alice asks.

"Erm, yeah," I say, smiling half-heartedly. "Just processing things."

"We'll give you some space, dear," Esme says, and tugs Edward and Alice out of the room.

Bella glances between Jasper and I and scurries away, blushing wildly. When she's gone, I breathe deeply.

Jasper doesn't say anything, only watches me. It's nice to see his face again, and be able to just reach out and touch him. I'm not talking to a disembodied voice anymore.

I can tell there is something bothering him. It's in his eyes, and his posture.  But as always, he thinks I can't see it.

"Jasper, are you okay?" I ask gently, turning to face him.

"I should be asking you that," he replies softly, still staring quite intently into my eyes.

"Well, I asked you first," I say, crossing my arms.

"Very well. I...am not okay," he says, then nods to me. "Your turn."

"I don't know. I mean, I don't feel ill anymore, so that's a win. But apart from that I feel quite strange," I say, examining my hands.

They're white, but not quite as pale as Jasper. It's mainly through them I can feel the connection.

"So, why exactly did you jump off a cliff?" Jasper asks, now sitting in a chair next to my bed.

"Because Bella did. If I hadn't of gone over with her, she would have drowned," I say carefully.

"Are you aware that it took Jacob Black six minutes to resuscitate you?"

My eyes widen of their own accord, giving away my shock. I had no idea.

"That's three times I have nearly lost you now," he says, holding my hand and looking at that instead. "And I don't like how it feels."

"You won't have to worry about that anymore, will you?" I say, grinning slightly.

"This isn't how I wanted things," he mutters.

Hurt richoets through me, taking away my smile. I gently take my hand from his grip and look down at the sheets, not wanting him to see the tears stinging my eyes.

"I guess you did find some hot Latin girl," I mutter dejectedly.

I see Jasper look at me with a creased brow from the corner of my eye. All it takes is his soft touch on my chin to make me bring my head up.

He looks frustrated. "Darling, I...I am not good with words. I am the quiet one in this family. But then you came along and I had to use words. Because how else would you know how I felt about you, and how you make me feel? It's not something I am skilled with."

"Then why is this not how you wanted things?" I ask, a tiny speck of bitterness escaping.

"Please, don't interpret my words in that way. What I mean, is that I wanted you to have a choice, how was I to know you wanted to be with me forever? How was I to know you weren't simply going through the things every woman goes through in their life?" He says, taking my hand back and pulling it close to his chest.

"Jasper, what on Earth are you talking about?"

"I didn't have a choice, Jordan. And sometimes I think maybe I wouldn't be so bitter about my past if I had been given one. How would it be fair for you to be turned, if you didn't want that and you didn't want me?"

I stare at him, frowning. How could he possibly believe that? After everything we've been through, and everything we've said, am I that easy to doubt?

"Jasper, for so long now, all I have wanted is you," I say. "Why would you think otherwise?"

"Because," he says, an odd expression coming over his face. "In what world could someone like you, love a thing like me?"

I sigh, my face softening as I smile gently at him. On instinct, I raise my hand to stroke his cheek. His eyes shut and he leans in to my hand.

The deep pain on his face hurts me. I can read more into it than is on the surface. His apparent acceptance of his own words is clear.

"My dear Jasper," I say, leaning towards him. "You are not a thing. How can I love you? Because you are my everything. And that, will never change."

I lean in and press my lips against his softly before he can open his eyes.

Heat erupts all over me. Jasper reacts strongly, pulling me onto his lap. My hands twist into his hair as I run my tongue along his teeth, savouring the taste of the venom.

Keeping one hand on my back, his other hand reaches lower to my butt for the first time. I moan quietly into his mouth, hearing Jasper growl deep in his chest.

"I missed you," I whisper as I pull back to kiss his jaw.

"Darling, you've no idea how much I've missed you."

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