(Teenage Dream)

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After our visit to the others, during which Emmett insisted on having me in the very centre of everyone, Jasper and I meandered our way back home. We realised upon entering that we still had the whole night to pass, and school resumed the next day.

So, being practical, we sat together and spent the night doing homework. It turned out to be a very pleasant pass-time. We work well when we both despise what we're studying.


The car park is bustling with people today. Everyone is hyper and talkative; the Seniors are discussing college and graduation. It shakes me slightly. I've been so caught up in everything else that I forgot how close we are to leaving high school.

"Have you thought about which college you want to go to, love?"

Our fingers link together as we make our way through the crowd. A few people bunch in around us, and his grip tightens a little. My magic reaches out and blankets him in a warm, subtle glow.

I watch with amusement, and some happiness, as Jasper's eyes widen. The only trace of my magic cloaking him from the overpowering Human scent is the slight gleam of purple reflected in his eyes.

He bumps our shoulders gently, smiling faintly. "Thanks. But don't dodge my question."

Rolling my eyes, I sigh loudly, looking towards the treeline, unable hide my smile vanishing. "No, Jasper. I haven't. I've been so focused on...you know...I don't even know if my scores are going to be good enough for me to get into any college."

We head up the steps in silence, until I am pulled to the side, away from the chattering groups of teens spilling into the school. A small alcove gives us shelter from the near-constant drizzle.

Jasper cocks his head to the side, his lips set in a soft shape - revealing his dimples. "Darlin', I can't imagine how you must be feeling, what with everything that's going on right now, but I think you're selling yourself short."

His fingers ghost over my own, lightly stroking them. The movement is surprisingly calming.

"I don't have a clue what I would study at college, anyway, Jaz. Sure, I enjoy mechanics, but I don't want to spend years of my life on it. I enjoy music, but I'm not good enough to pursue it at such a high level. Photography is fun, but once again, I'm not good enough to qualify for college," I say, shrugging dismally.

Jasper leans down to press his forehead against mine, first glancing to check if anyone is hanging around us, and stares determinedly down at our tangled hands.

"The last thing I want is for you to feel defined by what you are, rather than who, which is the most important thing. You've been neglecting your interests and hobbies because of all of this," he says.

"I can't help it. Things haven't exactly been...routine...lately, have they?" I reply, laughing weakly, "But we live together now. So I have space, and time to spend on my hobbies."

My lips automatically curl into a smile when I talk about us living together. Warmth blossoms in my chest to see that Jasper is the same.

"Promise me you'll do that, then," he says.


"Promise you will spend more time pursuing your hobbies."

I roll my eyes, but can't suppress my smile. Jasper spots it and grins victoriously, honey blonde hair falling into his eyes as he raises his head.

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