Voice of an Ancient People

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Training is today. The Cullens and I are gathered in a clearing, it's close to the place we first met James, Victoria and Laurent. I stand to the side while the others start sparring, reminiscing about that day. Everything was different. I don't know if it was simpler, but things seemed that way. My mindset then now looks naive, young. It's amazing how much a year or so can change.

"Those cogs are turning again," Jasper's voice appears, a sing-song tone to it as he wraps his arms around me.

Humming with a smile, I cover his hands with my own. "Is it that obvious?"

"To me."

A soft laugh passes my lips. "You remember the baseball match?" I feel him nod in the crook of my neck. "You were great. I enjoyed watching."

He laughs, softly kissing the side of my head. "I know you did. It was fun listening to your heart rate spike when I showed off."

I turn around in his arms, amused by the distance he has to lean down to rest his head on my shoulder. "Is that so? Well, if you had a heartbeat, I'm sure it would be the same when I use my magic." I wink at him.

Jasper's eyes flit to the ground and back up again, a lopsided grin on his lips. "I can neither confirm nor deny, Ma'am."

"That in itself confirms it," I say, eyebrow raised and a smirk on my face. "Y'know...I wonder, am I gonna be seein' my major today? Does he get playtime?"

A series of expressions cross his face, not all of them easy to read. It lands on something I worry is hurt, so I speak quickly.

"I'm sorry, Jasper...I really am." Guilt makes me lower my gaze while I internally kick myself. How could I say something like that? After everything I've seen, and been told by him, how did those words so easily pass my lips? The one part of himself Jasper wishes he could destroy and erase forever, and I make it sound like I want that over him...

I definitely love this Jasper, and I always will. But, though I've never said it out loud, in some of my darker hours I pondered on a thought; it took a while, then I came to the conclusion I would still have fallen in love with him during his days with Maria. For some reason the idea both comforted and confused me. I never told Jasper, afraid of what he might think. But never in a billion years would I choose his past over his present, regardless of my feelings, for one sole factor - he was miserable, depressed, and he loathes that part of his past with all of his being. How could I ever ask someone I love to revisit the most painful piece of their life just for my own benefit, even as a joke?

"Darlin', it's alright," he says softly, and surprisingly, with a smile on his face when I look back up.

"No, it's not. I shouldn't have said that."  I sigh, bringing a hand to rub my forehead. "I'm...I guess I'm just not thinking straight right now. Ironic, considering this is the part where I really need to be focused."

"Don't worry, we're about to start. Anyway, considering some of your abilities, the newborns will steer clear of you. Not to mention there's me, as well," he says, kissing my forehead and guiding us back to the others.

Edward and Bella pull up shortly after, and I smile politely at them, not wanting to make this day any more tense than it is. But all I receive in return is a cold glare and an eye-roll. Deciding to ignore them, the heat in my abdomen dissipates and I stand beside Jasper, awaiting the wolves.

They appear from the treeline, nothing but their scent and footsteps giving them away. Even that was hard to detect. But their furs are barely visible against the forest backdrop. Sam is at the front, with Paul, Jared, and Embry on his flanks. It looks as though they have a new wolf, I don't recognise the small one at the side. However, I recognise the one on the other side. Adrian.

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