(More Quality Time)

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His tone is completely serious. And as I study his face, hoping to find something to tell me he's joking, I realise he isn't.

"Jaz," I say, feeling both frustrated and worried at the same time. "How many times do I have to say this? I will never not want you."

There is still some doubt lingering in his beautiful, amber eyes. Desperation wells up in me, a desperation to make him believe me, to understand how much I love him.

This feeling is intense, more intense than anything I can remember feeling before I met Jasper. It all builds as I get trapped inside my head thinking of the right words.

A shock of electricity shoots through my fingers, and Jasper flinches lightly. But before he can say anything, his eyes turn purple, like ink being dropped into water.

I can't move, still stuck in my head, all these thoughts whirling around me. Memories of moments we've spent together flash past, along with feelings so intense it's like fire burning in my heart.

Jasper's eyes are beginning to widen slightly, the purple of his eye reflecting everything I'm seeing in my memories. His lips part, in amazement or confusion, I can't tell.

My hands are still cupping his face, fingers touched to his temple. A faint purple mist is seeping from them, like an extension to the electricity I can feel surging through my hands.

And then it's over. Jasper gasps, my fingers popping from his temple as I am returned to control. One quick look confirms his eyes are back to their right colour.

"Jaz, I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to!" I exclaim, leaning back in fear of retaliation.

I just used my 'powers' on him without permission. Just like how Maria would do things without asking him. I'm as bad as her now.

But hands appear on my face, gentle and careful as they caress my skin. I look into his eyes, and am surprised by their emotional state.

If he could, he would be crying. But not out of sadness, or pain. The pools of amber have turned to liquid, completely open and vulnerable to me.

"My love, do not apologise," he whispers, smiling softly. "I understand now. I had no idea..."

Apparently done with speaking, Jasper crashes his lips onto mine, but this kiss is different.

It is still loving, but a burning passion is unveiled as he deepens it. Without conscious thought, I respond eagerly.

He gently eases me onto my back, lying over the sofa, allowing him to press himself on top of me.

My hands roam freely under his shirt, tracing his marble abs with my finger tips. I feel the shiver run through him and grin into his lips.

One of his hands remains on my cheek, guiding our kiss, while the other ventures down to my waist band.

His fingers brush a bit of uncovered skin, sending fiery shocks through me. My back arches into his touch, earning a deep growl from Jasper.

You wanna know the best thing about this?

We don't need to breathe.

Growling back, I gently bite his lip. He retaliates by squeezing the flesh just above my hip, sending more fireworks flying.

Slightly frustrated by his gentlemanly ways, I remove a hand from his chest, (he purrs disapprovingly), and relocate it to his V-line.

His purr changes to a deep, pleased rumble as I slip my fingers just below his belt.

This tame teasing drives him up the wall, and he kisses me fiercely, clearly pushing for more.

Smiling wickedly, I begin grinding my hips against his, holding him in place with my hand on his belt.

This earns me a bass groan from Jasper.

Victoriously, I return his ferocity. But he doesn't want to relinquish his control, and so let's his hand wander further under my shirt.

I gasp as his fingers pinch a sensitive area of skin, allowing his tongue to explore my mouth more thoroughly.

"Hey, Jordan. Charlie wants to see ya! We'd best go over--" Bella's voice cuts out to a scream of horror.

Jasper and I break apart, looking over his shoulder to see his door wide open, one horrified half sister standing in it.

Her eyes are huge,  with an expression that would elude to incoming vomit, and a stance like someone who got hit with a freeze ray.

"I take it you don't remember the advice I gave you last year?" I ask, smirking, my face still inches from Jasper's.

Bella stands there for a few more seconds, before having a reaction I don't expect.

"Why is it every time I walk in your room you've got your tongue down each other's throats?!" She exclaims, near tears as she shoves her hands into her eyes.

"Because you never knock," I say, mildly irritated.

"Well, Charlie wants to see you to make sure you're still alive. So get down here now!" She says, and runs down the hallway.

Jasper snarls unhappily, his amber eyes clouded by a darkness as he turns back to me. "Always with the interruptions."

"And people say men are the only ones able to be cock-blocks," I sigh.

Jasper doesn't reply, too busy kissing down my neck. If he's trying to convince me to stay, it's working.

"Jordan!" Bella yells.

"Sweetheart, I have to go," I say, wincing at the unwillingness in my tone.

Another growl. He sucks on my collarbone as his hand tightens on my skin. I breathe in sharply, my back arching once more.

"Jaz." My voice is too breathy. "Charlie needs to see I'm alive."

Reluctantly, he pulls back, swinging me around so I'm sitting on his lap, his arm still looped around me.

I kiss his cheek. "Love you."

"I love you too," he says, frowning in annoyance. "See you later."

"Aw, don't pout, Jazzy! We can pick up where we left off later," I whisper, kiss him sweetly and vanish out of the room.


I know this chapter is basically erotica, but I felt our girl Jordan needed some action, amirite? ;)

I've also been deprived of Jasper in my writing, so.

I should find my notebook tomorrow, so normal storyline will continue.

See ya then! :D

R.A. <3

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