Funeral Flowers

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The smell of funeral flowers

Store bought, fakely scented

Has always made me want to hurl

Though I know it’s not intended


They are always there

With an evil, sickly sweet omen

Signaling a life that’s closed

And will never open again

 Sickly sweet flowers

Like guards of a sadistic plan

Standing on either side of a room

Filled with tears, the short age of man

 The scent coats the insides

Of you nostrils, of your brain

Till the very thought of smelling them

Makes your stomach swell again

Oh those flowers, those cheap flowers

Meant to be an act of kindness

Stand as an everlasting symbol

Of funerals, and those we miss

 I should like these gifts

It seems like everyone does

So why do I abhor them

With a painful, incessant buzz

 Perhaps it’s the memories they invoke

Of hours spent in silence

Looking upon faces

That have no more life left

 Tears of the unbreakable

Shock of realization

Pictures of the once bright life

And the times that were forgotten

 blaming the funeral flowers

present at every wake

cause the cheeriness that they attempt to bring

is a bloody, clouded fake

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