Chapter Two

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I slowly walked into the homestead looking around for the angry boy. I spotted him standing in the doorway of Alby's office.

"Seriously? Who cares if she's a girl! She doesn't deserve any special treatment!" Gally shouted into the room most likely towards Alby.

"That is enough Gally! Just do it and shut it!" Alby shouted back with a booming voice that made me shrink back.

Gally growled as he turned out of the room. He noticed me instantly and groaned.

"Did Newt send you to give me design details that you want? You'll get what I give you greenie." He said harshly then went to the other side of the large open downstairs.

"Actually he wanted me to help you." I muttered following behind him.

"I don't want or need your help. Why don't you go shovel klunk?" He grumbled.

"Listen I get that you don't want me to get special treatment. I didn't ask for it. It seems Alby thinks I need it." I said dryly as I leaned against the doorway of the room Gally decided to work in.

"Just shut it greenie and let me get this done." He grumbled again with his back to me.

I decided to do as he asked. I silently stood in the doorway watching Gally move things around the room. He was indeed the perfect build to do jobs like this. He was tall and bulky. His biceps were as big as my head. His chest looked strong and tight. As I watched him work I also watched his muscles flexing and straining as he picked things up and moved them around the room. He quickly had it looking like a bedroom all but a bed. Before I could ask him about one he turned and quickly shoved past me out of the room.

I stumbled back watching him leave the homestead with a look of pure hatred on his face. I took the time to walk over to the other side of the building to stand in the doorway of Alby's office.

"Is he seriously that angry about you deciding to give me a room here in the homestead?" I asked Alby making his head snap up to look at me.

"It seems that way" he chuckled lightly.

"He always that sensitive?" I asked with a small smile.

Alby stood up taking a few steps to put himself next to me in the doorway.

"Gally has been here longer than most in the Glade. He was one of the first ones. He's seen a lot and been threw a lot. I'm not making excuses for the boy but I understand him to an extent. Him being this angry over the only lady in the Glade having a private room I don't understand though." Alby chuckled lightly again as he looked me over.

"You know I really don't need a private room. I can sleep in hammocks with the others. I really don't mind." I told him honestly.

Alby shook his head with a smile in place. It was an infectious smile.

"No, the boys here can't remember the last time they saw a girl. I can't keep an eye on all of them at all times to make sure they behave. I just want to make sure you're completely safe. I'm not saying any of these boys would hurt you but I'd rather be safe than sorry."

I nodded understanding what he was saying. I smiled letting him know I appreciated him looking out for me like that. The door to the homestead flew open suddenly gaining both mine and Alby's attention. Gally was dragging some wood and other tools inside. I rolled my eyes then ran over to grab the other side.

"Don't bother greenie. If it's too heavy for me then it's-" Gally stopped talking as he watched me pick up the other end of the wood that was dragging on the ground with ease.

I smirked knowing I'd just surprised him. I helped carry it all the way to the other side of the building and into the room that would be mine. I laid down my end as Gally was laying down his. Without a word he started working on putting a make shift bed together. I silently grabbed some of the tools from on top the wood. I'm not exactly sure how I knew how to do this or how I knew what the tools were for but I did. I glanced over to Gally to see what he was doing. I mirrored Gally's movements on my side.

"If you're gonna help at least do it right. You need the corners tight." Gally muttered not looking up at me.

"Wanna check my work?" I asked gesturing to the wood.

"When I'm done I'll check it." He said as he continued to work.

I rolled my eyes as I moved to the other side of the wood. This made Gally glance up because he hadn't finished on his first corner. I smirked knowing he wanted to check my work because there's no way I could do this faster than him.

I'm not really that small of a girl. I mean I'm short definitely but I have a bigger build. The kind of build you'd see a woman with if she worked a hard labor job. Where ever I was before the Glade I must have had plenty of exercise.

Gally finally moved to the other side to mirror my actions. He kept glancing up to see what I was doing. I couldn't help but smirk every time I caught him peaking at me.

"My side is done" I said confidently as I stood up.

Gally stood a minute or two later. Without a word he walked around to the side I worked on. He picked up the wood to check my work. I watched his mouth open like he was going to speak then he closed it again. Not one word was said about my work but he looked at me with surprise clear on his face. I smiled triumphantly as I helped him pick it up and place it in the corner of the room.

"You can ask Alby where to get your blankets. My work here is done." Gally said dryly as he walked out of the room.

I looked over the simple wooden bed Gally and I had made. It didn't look too bad. After I got a few blankets to lay on I'm sure it would be decently comfy. I made for Alby's office but he wasn't in there this time. Instead I went for the main door. As soon as I opened the door I was face to face with a dirty blonde boy.

"I was just coming to get ya. Bonfire is about to start." He smiled stepping back out of the doorway.

I stepped out of the homestead closing the door behind me. Newt nodded for me to follow him which I did taking a few quick steps to put me at the taller boy's side. A few feet from us I could see the crowd of boys around a large pile of wood. Logs had been sat a few feet from the bonfire in a half circle around an open area of the grass.

"You'll have a lot of fun tonight I promise." Newt said smiling as we walked.

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