Chapter Fourteen

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A terrible ache all over my body brought me out of my unconsciousness. My throat was tight and sore. I opened my eyes slowly to an unfamiliar place. It was a small hut with shelves full of supplies. I was on a makeshift bed that was a lot like the one in my room. There was a soft snoring coming from beside me. I turned my head slowly trying to ignore the pain in my neck as I moved. Sitting in a chair next to the bed was Gally. He was fast asleep with his hand holding mine. I smiled at the sight of him.

"Oh good your awake." Clint said softly as he entered the hut.

He walked quickly over to me. He grabbed my face tilting it different ways. He made a note of when I winced in pain. Then his thumbs rested below my eyes. He pulled the skin down and tilted my head back as he examined my eyes. Why was he looking at those? They don't hurt my throat does. I leaned up slightly opening my mouth to say something. Clint pressed his finger against my lips and gently pushed me back against the bed.

"Don't try to speak yet Emi. You have damage to your vocal cords and popped blood vessels in your eyes. If you try to talk right now its only gonna hurt and no sound will come out. Let some of the swelling in your vocal cords go down and you'll be able to start talking again."

I nodded not fully understanding what he was saying but I understood enough. I glanced over to where Gally was sleeping to see him awake now and watching what Clint was doing very closely. Gally's hand was still holding mine.

"How long does she need to stay in bed?" Gally asked Clint.

"She doesn't. She can get up now if she wants but..." He paused turning to face me.

"Seriously Emi, don't talk and I already told Fry to make you some separate food because you'll only be able to eat liquids for awhile." Clint explained to me.

I nodded understanding him this time. Gally stood from his seat to help me out of bed. Once I was standing he wrapped his arm tightly around me. We walked out of the small hut towards Fry's shack. I was looking around expecting that runner to attack me again.

"Don't worry about him Em. He's locked in the pit. We will be banishing him tonight." Gally whispered to me.

I just looked up at him. They are going to banish him? What does that mean? I wish I could talk. I had so many things I need to ask him. Starting with why the guy attacked me. What did I do?

We stopped at Fry's shack. He smiled at me then handed me a tray with a bowl on it. Everyone else had a plate full of different food while I was stuck with soup. At least it was Fry's so I knew it would be good.

"I want you to rest today no work." Gally said quietly as we walked to our seats.

I shook my head. There's no way I was gonna do absolutely nothing today. I wasn't about to be bored out of my mind.

"How are you feeling?" Newt asked after I sat beside him.

"She isn't allowed to talk right now. Clint's orders." Gally said before I could answer Newt.

The day went on as the boys tried to talk to me but Gally would warn them that I wasn't aloud to talk. He made sure everyone in the Glade knew. By dinner time I was itching to talk to someone. I've never wanted to hear my own voice so bad. Dinner was quieter than usual. Everyone seemed to have their minds on something else. It was after I finished eating that I found out what.

They were banishing the runner who attacked me.

I stood in shock as they drug him from the pit to the entrance of the maze. They threw him down on the ground. He was surrounded by gladers with sharp pointy spears and long oddly shaped wooden poles.

"Please" the runner cried.

"Please, Alby, I didn't mean to hurt her!" He shouted spitting blood from his mouth.

My body became shaky as I watched him. He looked helpless and sick. Why are they doing this?

The wind from the shifting maze made its way into the Glade like all the other nights. Minho tossed a small tied up bag past the wall and into the maze. The keepers raised their oddly shaped poles towards the runner. He stood up to face everyone. He was sobbing begging them not to do this. The keepers stepped forward pushing him back toward the maze with their poles. The rest of the gladers kept their sharp spears pointed at the boy. They kept pushing him farther into the maze so he was far enough to be on the other side of the door when it closed. I watched as he sobbed trying to fight back against all of them. Everything turned to an uneasy quiet once the doors shut completely and the runner was on the other side.

I didn't realize I was crying until all the other gladers had walked away leaving myself, Gally and Alby. Gally walked over to me and wiped my tears away then gently placed a kiss on my forehead. Why did they do that? I looked up to Gally the question was clear in my eyes. Why?

"He was stung by a griever Em. He was going threw the changing. It's an awful thing to go threw. It drives the person mad and makes them violent. That's why he attacked you. That's why we had to banish him to the maze." Gally explained softly as he ran his fingers threw my hair.

"There was nothing we could do for him." Alby said as he patted my shoulder then walked away.

I stayed up most of the night just listening for any sign of the runner in the maze. All I heard was the occasionally howl of a griever in the distance. Every time I would shudder. No one survives a night in the maze. No one. He was just sick. He didn't deserve any of this. He may have hurt me but I'll heal. He may have scared the klunk out of me but I'll get over it. He's going to die out there. It just didn't seem fair.

"Em, get some sleep stop dwelling on it you'll only feel worse." Gally whispered as he wrapped his arms around me to pick me up from the grass.

He held me tightly as he walked me back to the homestead and toward my room. Once inside I sat down on my bed trying to get the runner out of my head.

"It's going to be alright Emi. These things happen sometimes." Gally said softly.

I nodded then slipped my shoes off to lay down. Gally kissed me gently but passionately.

"I love you Em." He whispered as I laid down. 

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