Chapter Eight

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While I was eating I felt Minho scoot closer to me. The next moment his arm was around my shoulders pulling me against his side.

"I heard what happened yesterday." He whispered.

I didn't say anything. I didn't know what to say. I just looked up at him threw my lashes. He smiled then glanced up towards another table then back to me.

"You gave him another good beating sorry I missed it." He beamed down at me.

I chuckled while pushing on his chest to sit myself back up straight. I just happened to look up and saw Gally staring at me. Wait, no, he wasn't staring he was glaring and it wasn't at me it was towards Minho. I looked back to the runner who still had his arm draped around me. He was smirking down at his food. He didn't seem to notice Gally's look of death.

"I'm sending you back with the builders today if you promise not to kill Gally." Newt said snapping me away from the two boys.

"I promise Newt I'll behave." I said trying to finish my food.

I kept getting pulled to the side by Minho which was really starting to bug me. When he did it again I swatted his hand that was hanging off my shoulder. He pulled it back and rubbed the top of his hand I had just slapped.

I went back to my food hoping Minho had got the point. He seemed to cause he didn't put his arm around me anymore. I was able to finally eat the rest of my food in peace. When it was time to get to work I jogged over to Gally who was standing with the other builders.

"Guess I gotta try out builders again." I said once I reached his side.

"I assumed that already." He said in a low voice.

He turned on his heels towards the area we were yesterday. I guess we need to finish the job we left yesterday. The guys behind me broke off into a group of their own while I continued to follow Gally back towards the tree that still had our axes in it.

Gally pulled his free then immediately got to work chopping at the tree. I did the same staying quiet for as long as I could. Gally seemed to be chopping angrily. What could have made him mad in such a short amount of time? I kept glancing up at him as I worked. It wasn't until he said he needed a break that I finally spoke up.

We were walking deeper into the woods to grab some other materials we apparently needed. He said it would give him a break from chopping.

"Are you alright?" I asked as we walked.

"Peachy" his tone definitely sounded angry.

"Uh huh, I can hear that." I said obviously not believing him.

He sighed running his hand down his face like he was annoyed.

"It's nothing" he grumbled.

"Gally come on don't do that. We made an agreement remember?" I asked lightly trying to get him to talk to me.

"Sharing my feelings was not apart of that agreement." He stated sharply.

"Well, big bad wolf, sometimes it's good to share your feelings." I said as I continued to follow him.

He stopped dead in his tracks making me run into his back. He whipped around and glared at me. Seriously? Are we doing this again?

"Listen, princess, I don't need or want to tell you ok? So learn how to drop it and worry about yourself." He growled as he stared me down.

I put my arms up in surrender. Obviously that's a tender subject for him. Noted. He continued walking but this time I could feel the heat coming off him. What ever was bothering him he was letting it stew which was only going to lead to him blowing up.

We stopped by a pretty large mud pit that had a few buckets sitting near it. Gally grabbed one then stalked over to the mud. I did the same watching him dip the bucket in the mud then set it to the side. I did the same but Gally hadn't grabbed another bucket yet so I just sat on the grass a few feet from him. His face seemed to be getting redder by the second. Something must be seriously bothering him.


All I got out was his name then he shot to his feet.

I stood up quickly ready for whatever he was about to throw at me. At least I thought I was ready. Gally faced me, his face still getting redder, then took one, two, three heavy steps to put him right in front of me. I didn't dare move. I didn't bat an eye. I knew I had to stay toe to toe with him no matter what.

"Do you have feelings for Minho?" He asked suddenly with a look of disgust.

I stepped back in surprise. That was in no way what I was expecting.

"No, why does it matter?" I asked more harshly than I meant to.

"He certainly likes you." He grumbled then turned away from me to look at the mud.

An odd thought struck me.

"Gally, are you jealous?" I questioned in pure disbelief.

His head snapped to the side to stare down at me. Instead of a glare like I was expecting he looked surprised. Did I just get it right? Was Gally jealous of Minho? I had to force back the smile that wanted to take over my face.

"I'm not jealous." He said quickly trying to recover from his surprise.

"Uh huh. Sure."

In the blink of an eye Gally had me pressed against the closest tree. I was the one in full surprise this time. His face was so close our noses were almost touching. He just stared angrily at me. I was lost for words. I had no idea what was going on with him. Would him being jealous make him act like this?

In an instant his face softened. His anger seemed to fade away. Then I was staring wide eyed at the mud in front of me while Gally's lips pressed against mine. My eyes fluttered closed as I relaxed against him. He pulled away suddenly making my head spin.

"Sorry" he said quickly then stepped away.

I watched in confusion as he grabbed another bucket and filled it with mud. He was acting like he didn't just kiss me!

"Gally" I said sternly to get his attention.

I saw him tense but he didn't stop what he was doing. He obviously wasn't paying attention to it though because the bucket was full and he was scooping mud into with his hands. I huffed as I stepped over to him. I leaned down to get close to his ear.

"I think that buckets full big bad wolf." I whispered.

He seemed to snap out of it. He placed the bucket on the grass next to his other one. Then he looked down at his mud covered hands. I stepped closer to him. Instead of saying something like I first wanted to I grabbed his shirt pulling him closer. I didn't give him time to reply before I was the one kissing him. I felt him tense under my touch for only a second. Then he relaxed as he pressed closer to me deepening the kiss as much as he could.

I burst into laughter when his muddy hands grabbed each side of my face to bring me closer to him. I couldn't help it. I was kissing him then felt cold wet mud on each of my cheeks. How could I not laugh at that.

"I'm so sorry!" He shouted realizing what he'd done.

I calmed my laughter down enough to shake my head.

"Don't apologize Gally I thought it was great. Not a bother at all." I smiled wide at him.


I grabbed his shirt pulling him back to me. I kissed him again this time we were both more relaxed. Gally wrapped his arms around me getting mud all over my shirt. I didn't mind a bit though. The feeling I had when Minho kissed me was nothing compared to the mess my stomach and heart were right now. Who would have thought I'd be kissing the big angry keeper of the builders in the middle of the woods?  

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