Chapter Thirteen

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I stood in the hallway nervously bouncing my leg. The door in front of me closed tight hiding Gally behind it. I knew what he was doing. It was the same thing every few months. I already knew Gally would pass with flying colors. He always did. So did my other friends. I never did very well but Gally and Minho both have been trying to help me.

When the door opened revealing a smiling Gally I knew he had done good once again. He looked like he had gained some muscle since we were little. He was bulky with wide shoulders and a charming smile. He was getting more handsome by the day. He was taller than me now too.

"You're gonna do fine Em. We've worked hard to get you where you are now." He smiled reassuringly at me.

I nodded glancing towards the open door where the woman stood watching us. She smiled tightly at me then pointed towards me to follow her into the room. I gulped, said a quick goodbye to Gally, then walked into the room. The door closed behind me separating me from my friends.

I went threw my tests just hoping I was doing good enough. I didn't want to leave my friends. I didn't want to leave Gally. Once I was finished the woman sat me down to tell me how I did.

"I see an incredible improvement Emi. You are running longer distances and your physical strength has increased. I want you to keep working with Gally and Minho. Keep building that strength and agility. You know what happens if you can't reach our marks. I've given you too many chances already. I have to keep seeing improvement from here on out. Do you understand?"

I nodded unable to really say anything. At least I was here for a few more months. She let me out of the room. Gally was standing in the hallway waiting for me. I grabbed his arm wrapping mine around his. We walked back to the rooms where everyone else was.

"What happened?" Gally asked as we walked.

"I improved thanks to you." I nudged him playfully.

"So you can stay?" He asked with a bright smile.

"For now, but if I don't continue to show improvement then I won't get to." I stated simply.

Gally stopped and grabbed my shoulders.

"Minho and I will work with you every second we can. I can't be here without you Em. I need you."

I just smiled and hugged him tightly.


I had thought about my dream every day trying to figure it out. It had been a week or so since I had had it. I hadn't told Gally about it. He doesn't know about any of my dreams yet. I don't know how I'm suppose to tell him. Anyone who told me they were having dreams like mine I'd think they were crazy.

It was close to lunch time now as I went into the woods to grab a few things for Gally. I didn't mind to do this kind of work right now because my mind was too distracted to do anything else. I stepped past the tree line towards the deadheads. I didn't need to go that far into the woods but I did need to go in that direction.

I checked the trees looking for what Gally had described to me. As I was walking around one of the larger trees I felt hands grab me. Before I could turn around to see who it was they jerked me back tossing me to the ground. I landed with a groan opening my eyes to see one of Minho's runners above me. He didn't look the same though. He looked seriously sick.

"What is your problem?" I asked him harshly.

He growled at me. I mean like an animal growl. I had a sudden bad gut feeling. I tried to get back to my feet quickly but he tackled me back into the grass and dirt. I struggled against him but he felt stronger than Gally. How is that possible? The guy is as small as Newt. I kicked and thrashed around trying to get out from under him.

I felt my legs free themselves then I kicked hard at the runner before scrambling back to my feet. I took off as fast as I could towards the Glade. I had to get back to the others. He was right on my tail.

I could hear his ragged heavy breathing behind me. What is his problem? I got to the tree line just as he jumped grabbing my legs. I screamed as he dragged be back into the trees.

"Gally!" I screamed as loud as I could.

I clawed at the dirt trying to pull myself out of his grasp. His fingers were digging into my ankles. I kicked as hard as I could hoping to hit him. After a few attempts I finally did. I crawled quickly out of the trees and onto the grass of the Glade. I could see some of the gladers running towards me.

Before I could make it back to my feet the runner was on top of me. I was flipped onto my back. I tried to push him off to do anything I could to fight back. Some how he got his hands around my throat. I tried to scream again but his fingers tightened.

I gasped for air as my nails dug into his skin trying to pry his hands off me. He didn't seem bothered by the fact my nails were literally in his skin making him bleed.

"Emi!" I heard the distant shout of Gally's voice.

My vision blurred as I tried to breath. Just as I was about to pass out I saw a giant shadow grab the runner from on top me and throw him off. I gasped for air but it still felt like I couldn't breath. It was like his hands were still around my throat.

The shadow came into view above me. I could hear voices but they sounded muffled. I couldn't make out any of the words. I tried to make out the shadow above me. The rough hands grabbing my face told me it was Gally.

I tried to speak but I couldn't. I tried to do something but I couldn't. I felt my own tears falling down my cheeks. The hands on my face moved. Someone was lifting me off the ground. My vision blurred more making everything dark. I could feel I was being carried most likely to the Med-Jacks. I heard a muffled voice above me most likely from the person carrying me. Then everything went black as I finally passed out.

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