Chapter Twenty Eight

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I followed behind the others as Thomas led us threw the maze. Newt was sticking close to my side which I was grateful for. He'd give me a good push or tug if I seemed to start slowing down. Thomas kept shouting encouraging things back to us. It did seem to help us keep up the pace even though my lungs felt like they were on fire. We came to a sudden stop against a wall. Thomas slowly peered around the corner then flew back against the wall.

"Is there a griever?" Chuck asked him quietly.

Thomas nodded. The rest of us crowded in closer to him. We knew we needed a game plan for this one.

"You take this Chuck." Minho said handing the metal object we had retrieved from the first griever Thomas killed to the young boy.

"Stay behind us" Minho added.

"It's okay, just stick with me." Teresa said as she tied her hair back.

"Once we are threw, it will activate and the door will open. Now we stay close. We stick together. We get threw this. We get out now. Or we die trying. Ready?" Thomas asks slamming his spear down.

We all nodded as we readied ourselves and our weapons. 

"Let's go!" Thomas shouted as a war cry.

We all ran full speed behind Thomas towards the griever. The griever snarled as it turned to face us. It charged at us quickly it's stinger at the ready. The first few people to it were able to stab it around it's face with the spears. It jerked away then came right back. Minho, Thomas, Frypan, and I stood our ground with our spears trying to keep the thing away from the others. We ducked a swipe of the griever's tail but it whipped around again and grabbed one of the gladers throwing him off the stone like bridge we were on. The claw came down right at Teresa's feet making her fall back. She hit it wit her machete accidentally knocking the key a few feet away.

"The key!" Chuck shouted as he ran after it.

Those of us with spears were finally gaining the upper hand with the griever. We all worked together pushing the spears in deeper as we shoved the thing towards the edge. With one last war cry from us and a nasty snarl from the griever we all pulled out our spears letting it fall. Before we could celebrate our small victory two more grievers climbed onto the stone bridge.

"Thomas!" Chuck screamed as he and Teresa ran past us to the door.

We all ganged up on the grievers the best we could. We had to hold them off long enough for Chuck and Teresa to get the door open.

"Teresa Go!" Thomas shouted back to them as we stabbed the griever over and over.

We started to walk backwards as the passages behind us opened up.

"Keep pushing!" I shouted.

"Stay together!" Newt ordered.

Inch by inch we got closer to our exit while holding back the grievers. My back was against Thomas' as we both stabbed and pushed at the same griever. I could hear Teresa and Chuck shouting at each other behind us. One of the gladers tried charging forward without the rest of us. Both grievers boxed him in. One grabbed him then flung him off the bridge. They both turned back to us with a roar. We tried to get back in our stance to continue holding them off. 

"Thomas! There's a code! Eight numbers!" Teresa yelled from behind us.

"Eight sections of the maze." I heard Thomas mumble beside me.

"Hey Minho! What's the sequence?" He asked the other runner loudly.

"What?" He asked in confusion.

"The sections of the maze! What's the sequence?" Thomas asked again.

"Seven! One! Five! Two!" Minho started to shout but a griever suddenly dropped from the ceiling pinning Minho on the ground beneath it.

"Minho!" Thomas and I shouted as we moved to attack.

Jeff ran past us holding his spear above his head. He jumped sticking the spear into the griever's head. This was enough to give Minho a way out from under the thing. The griever grabbed a hold of Jeff shaking and squeezing until he wasn't screaming any longer.

"The sequence come on!" Chuck yelled.

"Six! Four! Eight! Three!" Minho shouted.

The grievers were getting more aggressive as we tried to back into the small opening. It was taking everything we had to keep pushing at them. I heard a small beeping from behind me then the stones that had lifted to let us inside the passage started dropping. Each one fell one after the other until they had either trapped a griever on the side away from us or crushed it. The sudden black darkness had me wondering if we had really escaped or just made things a whole lot worse for ourselves.

A small click behind us then a small stream of light. Teresa was the one to push it open slowly. She popped her head out to make sure there was no more danger. She stepped out opening the door wide for all of us to step out of the darkness. I was one of the last ones out. We were in some kind of passageway like a hallway. Large pipes and wires were hooked to the wall and went as far as the eye could see.

"This way" Thomas whispered.

We followed behind him for several minutes. The look of the hallway never changed. There were no turns only a straight hallway.

"How do we get out of here?" I asked in a hushed voice.

The group stopped turning to face something on the wall. I followed their eyes to see a brightly lit sign above a door.


"You're joking" Frypan chuckled.

Thomas was the one to lead the way. The rest of us followed behind him. I hoped there was an exit on the other side and not another trap or test. I don't think I can handle anymore.

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