Chapter Eleven

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It had been a few weeks now since the night I blurted out Newt's secret to Gally. Newt still wasn't talking to me unless he had to. Gally had been keeping the secret which I was thankful for. The two of us had also grown a lot closer. I was officially given the job of a builder which meant Gally and I worked together every day. I wasn't the greenie anymore either. The new greenie had been in the Glade for about a week now. His name was Ben and he was a kind and funny boy. I had caught his attention right away being the only girl here. But since Gally and I were public now with our relationship Frypan took it upon himself to warn Ben.

"That's Emi, Gally's girl, unless you want your face beat in and about all your bones broken I'd suggest keeping your distance." Fry had said to him.

 He did heed Fry's warning but he also wasn't scared to talk to me which I was happy about. Since I was the last greenie I got tasked with giving him the tour. We had laughed and joked most of the time but walked a foot or two apart. I wasn't gonna give Gally any reason to try to hurt the poor greenie.

I was off at the edge of the woods gathering some materials for Gally when someone tapped me on the shoulder. I turned around to see Newt. He had a small smile on his face but wouldn't look at me. I waited for him to say what he needed to then walk away like he had every other time since the night I blurted out his secret.

"I wanted to say I'm sorry." He said quietly looking down at his shoes.

"Sorry? Sorry for what? You haven't done anything Newt. I'm the one that's sorry for blurting that out to Gally." I said turning to face him completely.

He finally looked up to me his smile a little bigger.

"I was mostly mad because I figured Gally would tell everyone and make it some big joke. He pulled me aside yesterday and told me he hadn't said anything and he wouldn't. Said you threatened his life and said you'd never speak to him again if he did." Newt explained.

"I did indeed. I just didn't want him to hurt you." I said quietly.

Newt's arms were suddenly around me hugging me tightly. I quickly hugged him back feeling a huge weight lift off me. I had my friend back and nothing felt better.

"So are we okay?" I asked smiling up at him.

"Oh course we are love." He smiled.

That night at dinner I sat between Gally and Newt. My two favorite boys. Gally's hand rested on top my thigh while Newt and I talked animatedly trying to catch each other up on the past few weeks. After we finished eating Gally decided to still me away from everyone else.

We were sitting at the top of the look-out tower they had built before I ever got to the Glade. Our legs dangling over the edge while his arm was around my waist holding me against him. I laid my head on his shoulder as I watched the boys below us in the Glade. It was a peaceful and warm evening.

I watched Minho and Ben run quickly into the Glade from the maze. They were later than normal getting back. At least they got back in time. It was only a few minutes later that the loud groaning started. The wind from the maze pushed into the Glade as it did every night. The doors starting to close slowly as Gally and I watched. It was an ominous thing to experience no matter how many times I had seen it. Out in the maze was a scary place. Just thinking about it made me shiver. I'd had nightmares before after hearing the griever's loud shrieks pierce the quiet night.

"I wonder what had them out there so late." I said mindlessly after the doors finished closing.

"Who knows. Ben is still new to being a runner maybe something happened. I doubt either of them will say what though." Gally answered as his fingers made small circles on my side.

I already knew what Gally thought. He was content with his life here. He loved the Glade. The thought tore at my heart a little. I didn't want to be stuck in here forever. This wasn't home. I didn't dare tell Gally that though. I didn't want to destroy what we had because of that. If it came down to it I would probably choose to stay here just to be with Gally. In the short time we've known each other and been together I haven't been happier. He was everything I wanted and more.

"What's on your mind?" He asked leaning forward to look at my face.

"Nothing" I said quietly.

He sighed then pulled away from me. I watched him scoot back from the edge then lean forward to grab me. He lifted me up with ease then sat me on his lap. My legs on each side of him as I faced him.

"You know I can tell when you're lying." He said giving me a stern look.

"It's nothing really" I said with a small smile.

His arms wrapped around me pulling me against him as tight as he could. I couldn't help but smile. I loved being held like this. I could feel the beat of his heart His hot breath fanning across my neck as he leaned his head on my shoulder. My arms wrapping around him. I placed a soft kiss to his temple. He lifted his head to look at me. The sparkle in his eyes making my heart thump faster and harder. I leaned in capturing his lips in a kiss. It had been some time since we attempted to be intimate. The last time being in the wash pool where Frypan had interrupted us.

I continued to kiss him making it rougher full of want and need. I started to roll my hips against him earning a low groan from him as his arms tightened around me. I smiled into the kiss. I moved to kiss down his jaw nipping at the skin with my teeth. When I reached his neck I slowly licked up to his ear. I nibbled on his lobe making him groan and buck his hips upward. His hands moving to tightly hold my hips pressing me harder onto his groin.

"I want you" I whispered seductively into his ear then nipped at his neck again.

"Fuck" he groaned.

His hands quickly grabbed each side of my face kissing me deeply. When he pulled away he grabbed hold of me tightly lifting me as he stood. He lightly smacked my ass making me giggle before he nodded for me to lead the way. We climbed down the look-out as quickly as we could. Gally ignored the calls from the other builders trying to get his attention. His eyes were fixed on me as I grabbed his hand pulling him behind me towards the homestead.

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