Chapter Five

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I was sitting in a circle on the floor with a few other kids. We were chatting and laughing like old friends.

"She couldn't even make it a quarter of the way!" The boy next to me laughed then patted my knee.

"I could too!" I shot back at him.

"Oh really? Every time I've seen you run you can't make it but a few feet before you start panting." He laughed sticking his tongue out at me.

Instead of answering I lunged toward him knocking him back on the floor. We rolled around playfully fighting each other.

"Gally! Emi! That is enough!" A woman's voice shouted from somewhere in the room.

We jumped away from each other knowing the woman meant business when she sounded like that. We quickly went back to our seats in the circle. Once I was seated an arm draped over my shoulder then pulled me to the side. It was the boy on the other side of me.

"Minho stop it" Gally said then swatted at the boy's arm around me.

"Alright kids let's go!" A man's voice shouted making all of us jump up and run towards him.


I shot up into a sitting position.

"Bloody hell" the thick accent shouted.

What the hell was that? I thought to myself as I stared at the wall in front of me. Then I had another thought. Gally? Minho? Emi? We were kids. Just little kids. What kind of dream was that?

"Emi" I said aloud.

"What?" Newt asked.

I snapped out of my little trance and jumped out of bed. He took a startled step backwards. I grabbed his shirt pulling him against me.

"My name is Emi." I said with a grin.

Newt started laughing. He grabbed my hands releasing himself from my hold.

"It's a pleasure to meet you Emi." He smiled at me.

Once we got outside to where everyone was eating Newt walked to one of the tables then climbed on top of it.

"Can I get everyone's attention!" He shouted.

Everyone stopped and turned to look at him.

"Our greenie has remembered her name. Everyone, this is Emi." He smiled gesturing down to me.

All the boys shouted "Emi" at the same time then cheered. As Newt climbed down from the table everyone went back to what they were doing. Just like yesterday I sat between Newt and Minho with Clint and Jeff across from us.

"Emi, I like that." Minho said more to himself.

I started eating ignoring the chatter around us. It wasn't until I was almost done with my food that Newt nudged me.

"Today you're with Fry in the kitchen." He said matter of factly.

I nodded glancing over to the boy in the shack. That shouldn't be too bad. Hopefully I'll be busy most of the day.

"Before I go to work would I be able to have a quick chat with Alby?" I asked Newt.

"Yea, he's in his office. Everything alright?" He asked raising a brow at me.

"Yea everything's fine" I smiled then turned back to my food.

After I finished eating I made a quick beeline for Alby's office. He was sitting there head down looking at something.

The Maze Trials: A Gally FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now