Chapter Twenty Five

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I sat outside a few feet from the council hall. I was close enough to hear the boys shouting at certain moments. I was too aggravated and hurt to really care. As I sat there picking at the grass I was startled almost out of my skin when the box's alarm rang out. I jumped to my feet instantly running towards it. I could hear the rest of the gladers running out of the council hall towards the box. We just got a greenie three days ago. The box shouldn't be coming back up yet. A fearful feeling fell on me as I stopped in front of the box. I stared at it as I waited for one of the boys to open it.

Gally and Newt were the first two there. They threw the box open and Newt jumped inside. I could tell from where I stood what was below us. I didn't know if I should feel relieved or terrified.

"Newt, what do you see?" One of the boys asked the blonde.

"It's a girl" Newt said in a mixture of surprise and confusion.

Thomas made his way threw the boys to stand next to me. We were both staring down at the unconscious girl. I knew her. She was the girl I had spoken to in one of my dreams.

"What's in her hand?" Gally asked Newt.

Newt slowly grabbed what looked like a rolled up piece of paper. He unfolded it to see what it was.

"She's the last one ever." Newt read aloud then looked up to us.

The sudden panic took me over. The last one?

"What the hell does that mean?" Newt questioned aloud.

She suddenly took in a deep breath as she woke up. All of us jumped at the sudden action. My heart was thumping wildly against my chest. She seemed to be looking straight at the greenie standing next to me.

"Thomas" she panted before her eyes rolled back and she fell unconscious once more.

We all turned to look at Thomas. He seemed to tense at the sudden eyes on him.

"Still think I'm overreacting?" Gally asks out loud as he crosses his arms over his chest.

I decided to help Clint and Jeff get the girl to their hut. I told them to let me know when she wakes up. I figured it would be better for her to see there is another girl with her instead of being surrounded by boys. I went to find Gally after that. I felt we needed to have a chat. He was outside standing with a few others. His brows furrowed like he was complaining about something which he probably was.

"Gally, we need to talk." I said as soon as I reached him.

"No" He said sternly then tried to turn away from me.

I grabbed his arm and pulled him back.

"That wasn't a request Captain." I spat using the nickname the other gladers used for him.

He stared down at me for a moment before grabbing my arm and pulling me away from the other gladers. Once he felt we were far enough away he stopped and let go of my arm.

"What's your problem?" I asked him harshly.

"What's my problem? Are you serious? You of all people know exactly how I felt about Thomas. How much I didn't trust him. You know how much I live by the rules of the Glade because they are rules for a reason! You still decided to go into the maze with them breaking a major rule then tell me you're on Thomas' side. Screw me right? Who cares what Gally thinks right?" He was shouting letting all his anger out.

"You know I don't want to stay here Gally. If Thomas can find a way out I will follow him. Things are changing. We could actually have a chance here. Does that really mean nothing to you?" I asked keeping myself as calm as I could.

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