Chapter Twenty Seven

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In the distance beyond the smoke from the flames I could see a few figures coming towards us. They were walking quickly. Once they got beyond the smoke I could see that it was Gally leading the way. He looked angrier than I had ever seen him. In that moment I didn't care about the grievers. I didn't care Gally had called quits on us. All I cared about was the big angry builder coming straight for us.

"Gally" Thomas said timidly.

Gally's answer was a severe right hook knocking Thomas to the ground. Several of the boys grabbed Gally pulling him back from the boy on the ground.

"This is all you Thomas! Look around!" Gally shouted angrily.

"Back up!" Fry shouted.

"You heard Alby! He's one of them! He's one of them and they sent him here to destroy everything and now he has!" Gally shouted furiously as he fought back the gladers holding him.

"Look around Thomas! Look around! This is your fault!" Gally continued to shout.

I moved to pull the gladers away from Gally making myself the only barrier between Gally and Thomas. Gally continued trying to scream and rant at Thomas. I grabbed his face making him look down at me. His eyes narrowed like he was about to turn his words on my instead of the other boy.

"Thomas! No!" Chuck and Teresa shouted from behind us. 

I turned around quickly to see Thomas fall to the ground with a griever stinger sticking out of his stomach. I darted toward the boy falling to me knees beside him as Teresa ordered Chuck to get the other syringe. He was seizing. His eyes rolling back. I pulled the stinger out of his stomach and tossed it a few feet away.

"It's going to be okay. It'll be okay." I whispered as I held his face in my hands.

Chuck came running back with the syringe. We quickly stabbed it into his skin giving him the medicine.

"Take Thomas and Teresa to the pit." Gally practically growled.

I jumped to my feet to look at him. Who does he think he is? He's not Alby. He isn't our leader. I opened my mouth to chide him but he grabbed my arm roughly as he dragged me behind him to one of the barely standing huts. He opened the door then pushed me inside. He stepped in slamming the door behind him.

"Gally?" I questioned watching him start to pace.

He put his finger up at me then continued pacing. He turned towards me taking three large steps to put himself right in front of me. I didn't say a word. I couldn't. He was so on edge I was actually scared of what he might do. To my surprise he grabbed each side of my face holding me still as he crashed his lips against mine. I instantly melted into him. His arms moving to wrap around my waist as he pulled me closer. After everything that happened knowing Gally was safe was all I needed. I knew this kiss was the same for him. We shared too much to just completely fall out of each other's hearts.

He pulled away leaning his forehead against mine. We stayed like this for a few silent minutes just enjoying being close to one another again. I had missed him warmth. His touch. His lips.

"Gally" I whispered.

"Please, I just want to stay like this for a little longer." He whispered back tightening his arms around me.

"I do too but you know we can't. The Glade is literally on fire. We have to figure out what to do." I said quietly holding him just as close as he was holding me.

"I already know what to do." He said simply.

"What?" I asked looking up to lock my eyes with his.

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