Chapter Twenty Three

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That night I was laying in bed unable to sleep. All I could see was Ben's terrified face. All I could hear was his terrified pleas. I knew we had to do it. There was no cure for the changing. We all knew that but it didn't make it any easier.

There was a light knock on my door causing me to sit up. Before I could answer my door opened revealing Gally. He quietly stepped into the room then closed the door behind him. He climbed onto the bed then laid down beside me. I laid back down turning to face him.

"Are you okay?" I asked quietly.

"Yea, just hard loosing another glader." He whispered.

He wrapped his arms around me pulling me completely against him. I snuggled up to his chest listening to his heart beat in the quiet room. I kissed the bottom of his neck making him tighten his hold around me.

"Do you think things will ever get better?" I asked him.

"In what way?" He questioned.

"Will we ever get out of here? Will we ever be able to leave and find some place safe where we don't have to worry about grievers or a deadly maze?"

"The Glade is safe. We would be fine if we didn't send anyone out there but Alby insists on finding a way out." Gally grumbled.

"You really don't want to ever leave this place?" I asked pulling away so I could look up to him.

"Why would I want to leave? This is our home. We've built our lives here. We can do whatever we want." He stated with a stern expression.

I just sighed and snuggled back into him. I don't want to fight with him. Especially about this topic. Who knows if we will ever find a way out of here. If we did I'd deal with it then. Until then I'd rather be here wrapped in Gally's strong embrace. Letting the sound of his heart beating put me to sleep.


The next morning at breakfast I noticed Minho and Alby's absence. I aleady knew they had woken up early and left to retrace Ben's path as soon as the doors had opened. Maybe they would find something. Maybe just maybe Ben was able to survive out there. I knew that that was most likely not the case. In a little over three years no one had ever survived a night in the maze.

We all worked our normal jobs in the Glade that morning. Most of us glancing to the entrance hoping to see Minho and Alby. It started raining in the afternoon so we put our work on pause to wait out the shower. We ate a small lunch under the cover of the open shack where the hammocks for the boys were. As it got later and later we were all watching the door more. We were anxious. Everyone knew they should have been back by now but no one was going to say it. It was almost time for the doors to close before we knew it and Alby still wasn't back. Everyone in the Glade crowded around the entrance praying to see those two boys come around the corner. We just lost Ben we can't loose Minho and Alby too. This whole place would fall apart without Alby here to lead us.

It wasn't until we heard the all too familiar noises of the maze starting to shift that we all voiced our worry at once.

"There!" Chuck shouted above the noise.

We all looked to where he pointed. Minho was coming around the corner but something was wrong. He was trying to carry Alby. He moved to pull Alby's body along the ground as the doors started to close. Everyone was shouting at him trying to urge him to hurry. As the door's opening grew smaller boys shouted for him to leave Alby. He wasn't going to make it. There was no way.

Thomas stood in front of me. It was like everything went into slow motion as I saw him practically throw himself into the maze. I tried to grab him along with a few others but he was already inside moving to get threw the barely open door. Then it shut closed leaving Minho, Thomas, and an unconscious Alby on the other side. No one survives a night in the maze. We just lost three more gladers. One of them my possible twin brother. I just stared at the closed stone. Why would he do that?

"Come on Emi" Gally whispered as he tugged gently at my shirt.

I felt cold and not completely here. Like my body was on autopilot while my mind was somewhere else entirely. What are we suppose to do now? We just lost four gladers in 24 hours. Things haven't been this bad since "the dark days" as Alby had called it in the beginning of all this. We all sat down for dinner but most of us couldn't eat. We were in shock and trying to hide our pain from loosing our friends as well as hiding our fear about what was to come. With Alby gone that would put Newt in charge. I glanced around the tables trying to find the blonde boy who usually sits next to me. He was no where in sight.

"If you're looking for Newt he's up in the look out." Gally whispered to me.

I turned around to look up. Sure enough Newt was standing there leaning against the wood. I gave Gally a quick kiss then ran to my best friend. I climbed up as quickly as I could. Newt didn't turn around once I was on my feet behind him. I moved to lean against the wood next to him. He sighed then glanced to me.

"How are you holding up?" I asked him.

"Not very well" he gave me a small sad smile.

"Anything I can do?" I asked moving closer to him.

He shook his head.

"No, I just don't think I can run this place like Alby did. I just found Thomas too. I was just starting to really like him. Why'd he have to run into the maze?" He asked looking to me with shining eyes.

"Newt, don't give up so easy. Let's just wait till the morning and see what happens. Maybe for once someone will survive. Don't drown yourself in sorrow. Even if they don't come back. We need you. I know you'll make just as good of a leader as Alby." I tried to reassure him.

He just nodded and wiped away the tears that had fallen down his cheeks.

"I'll always have your back." I whispered then pulled him into a hug.

I let him hold onto me tightly for as long as he needed to. He was crying silently into my shoulder. All I could do was stand there and hold him close as I rubbed his back. I just had to let him get it out. I was the only person he could be like this around. When he finally pulled away from me his face was red and puffy. I gently wiped some of his tears away.

"Let's try to get some rest." I whispered.

The Maze Trials: A Gally FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now