Chapter Nine

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"We should really get back." I smiled leaning back from Gally.

He sighed then nuzzled his face into my neck. I chuckled but let him do as he pleased. It was nice not having anyone else around to comment. It was also nice being like this with Gally other than at each other's throat.

My head popped up at the sound of footsteps. Gally jolted upwards at the sound of twigs snapping. He quickly stepped away from me turning to grab his two buckets. I turned around and grabbed another empty one just as three gladers came into view. I ignored them as I dipped my bucket in the mud making it a point to get my hands muddy so there'd be less questions about the mud on my face and shirt.

"What the hell is going on?" Newt questioned sharply from behind me.

"We're getting mud." Gally said nonchalantly.

"The other builders said you've been gone for awhile. Started to think one of you actually killed the other and was burying the body." Newt said with his best authoritative tone.

I turned around grabbing my other bucket from the grass. Newt's face was priceless. He looked me up and down noticing all the mud. He saw my hands covered in mud but he also glanced over to Gally's hands which were also covered in mud.

"Everything good then?" He asked raising a brow.

I nodded looking at him with a fake confused expression. He shook his head then disappeared back threw the trees with the other two gladers. I glanced at Gally who avoided all eye contact. He started heading back towards the Glade and I quickly followed him. Both of us carrying two buckets.

"It's okay Gally" I said softly once I was walking beside him.

"What?" He asked confused.

"If you don't want to say anything. It's okay. I'd rather not deal with all the comments and questions anyway." I watched my feet as I spoke.

"Thanks" was all he said.

We silently took the buckets to the other builders then went back to chopping the same tree as earlier. He stayed silent so I did too even though I was itching to talk to him. The other builders noticing the mud on me kept eyeing the both of us. I seriously need to wash off.

"Hey Gally"


"Is there somewhere I can wash this mud off me?"

Gally stopped chopping and peaked around the tree at me.

"Yea right past the tree line behind the homestead. It's an open pool of fresh water we all use to wash off in. Anyone could come over there and see you." Gally's eyebrows scrunched together as if he was really concentrating on something.

I thought about that for a moment before having a brilliant idea. Before I had a chance to voice it the lunch bell tolled. Both Gally and I stuck our axes back in the tree then followed everyone else to get food.

"You could join me to wash off. That way if someone else shows up you can scare them off." I chuckled as I walked next to him.

"I'm not muddy though." He said glancing over to me.

I smirked noticing how close we were to the other gladers now but I didn't mind. I caught Gally by surprise reaching up and wiping my muddy hands down both sides of his face.

"Emi!" Gally shouted then laughed.

Most of the other boys were watching us now. Gally didn't notice and I didn't care.

"Now you need to wash off." I laughed.

"Oh really?" He asked with wide eyes.

Before I could run he grabbed me. He attempted to pick me up but I kicked out of it then ducked away. I will always be too fast for the bigger boy.

"Where you going princess?" He asked with a huge grin on his face.

"Away from the big bad wolf!" I shouted as I jogged to Frypans shack.

I quickly grabbed my food just as Gally reached me. All the gladers were watching us now.

"Too slow" I whispered towards him.

"Better luck next time!" I shouted to him as I quickly went over to sit next to Newt.

I watched him take a seat in his usual spot and he was smiling. It was a huge genuine smile. I loved the sight of it. I felt an elbow in my side bringing my attention to the blonde boy next to me who looked very confused.

"What was that?" He asked in pure disbelief.

I laughed but shook my head.

"I'll tell you later." I whispered to him.

He narrowed his eyes at me then glanced between Gally and I a few times before nodding and going back to his food.

Once lunch was over and both mine and Gally's trays were given back to Fry he attempted to take me by surprise and charge at me. I took off back down the Glade towards the tree our axes were stuck in. I heard Gally's heavy footsteps right on my tail. I ran into the trees zig zagging around as many of them as I could. I only stopped once I reached my axe.

"You're faster than I thought." Gally panted bending over and resting his hands on his knees.

I laughed pulling my axe out of the tree. After Gally caught his breath he did the same. We didn't spend a lot more time on the tree. Only a few more pieces were needed. We gathered what we had chopped and each took our own ax and met up with the other builders. Gally explained we were adding on to the sleep quarters where the boys slept in hammocks. I had a sudden guilty feeling at the thought that I had my own private bedroom.

I worked along side Gally so he could make sure I knew what I was doing. I rolled my eyes more times than I can count at him. It wasn't complicated. After he explained it the first time I knew what I was doing but he had to make sure. I had a small suspicion he just wanted to stay close to me without drawing a lot of attention.

When the bell tolled for dinner we moved all our tools and supplies out of the way before heading to get our food.

"Want to meet me after dinner to wash up?" I asked Gally as we walked together.

"I guess so since I actually need to wash off now. Thank you for that by the way." He smiled down at me.

"Anytime" I chuckled and patted his arm.

I met Newt at the table promising him I'd explain as soon as dinner was over. I didn't want anyone else at the table or close by to over hear us. We both ate quickly then took a walk down the Glade out of ear shot from everyone else.

"Okay now spill" Newt said eagerly.

"When we were suppose to be getting mud we ended up kissing. A lot." I smiled as I thought about it.

"What?" Newt questioned loudly.

"You and Gally?" He asked for what sounded like clarification.

I nodded biting my lip. Just talking about it had my insides swirling all over again.

"Was it like the kiss with Minho?" He asked stopping and turning to look at me.

"No, not even close. I didn't want him to stop. I felt weird and giddy."

"Is that why you have mud all over you?" He asked with a smirk.

"Yea, it was on Gally's hands."

"I knew those hand prints looked too big to be yours." Newt said excitedly.

"But" I said quickly to get his attention back.

When he was looking at me I continued.

"He doesn't want to mention it. Doesn't want the other gladers to know. Not yet at least." I informed him.

"The secret is safe with me love. I promise."

I knew I could trust Newt. In the few days I've been here he'd been there at all times. He's easy to talk to. I was glad to have a friend like him.

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