Chapter Twenty Six

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I had found out from Chuck that Thomas and Minho did in fact go into the maze. The young boy had also told me about strange loud sounds from inside the maze. I ran outside with Chuck to see a small group of gladers at the entrance. As soon as I reached the group I saw the two runners coming around the corner. A moment of calm washed over me knowing they were both safe. They ran inside past the group. We all followed them needing to know if they had found anything else.

"What the hell is going on out there?" Newt questioned the two.

"What the hell have you done now Thomas?" Gally asked harshly.

"We found something. A new passage. We think it could be a way out." Thomas stated as we all walked in a group.

"Really?" Newt and I asked at the same time.

"It's true. It opened a door. Something I'd never seen before. Think it must be where the grievers go during the day."

"Wait, woah, you're saying you found the griever's home and you want us to go in?" Chuck asked looking at them like they were insane.

"Their way in could be our way out Chuck." Thomas said simply.

"Yea or" Gally started as he shoved his way past Chuck and I to get close to Thomas.

"There could be a dozen grievers on the other side. Truth is, Thomas doesn't know what he's done as usual." Gally shouted.

The group stopped as Thomas whipped around to face Gally. The veins in his neck popping out as he strained to keep himself under control.

"Yea, well at least I did something Gally. What have you done? Huh? Besides hide behind these walls all the time." Thomas said sternly standing toe to toe with the builder.

"Let me tell you something Greenie, you've been here three days. I've been here three years." Gally stuck his fingers in Thomas' face.

"Yea you've been here three years and you're still here Gally! Alright? So what's that tell you? Maybe you should start doing things a little differently!" Thomas shouted in his face.

"Guys" I said sternly trying to step between them.

I placed a hand on both their chests trying to ignore the tingles that appeared when I touched Gally.

"Maybe you should be in charge Thomas. What about that?" Gally said as he wrapped his hand around mine stepping closer to the other boy.

"Guys! It's Alby!" Teresa's voice suddenly shouted from behind us.

We all turned to face her. Gally was still holding my hand tightly. I didn't mind it. I was happy to have this contact with him even though he didn't realize he was doing it.

"He's awake" Teresa added once we were all looking at her.

I felt Gally let go of my hand as we all went straight for the hut. Jeff was outside the door as if guarding it. He stopped the group by holding up his hand.

"Newt, Thomas, and Gally you can go inside. The rest of you have to wait out here." Jeff said opening the door.

The three boys stepped inside followed by Jeff then the door closed behind them. What kind of klunk is that? I've been here just as long as them. I need to know what's going on as much as they do. A hand on my shoulder pulled my concentration away from the door.

"Come on let's grab something to eat." Teresa said with a small smile.

I nodded feeling my stomach growl at the mention of food. I followed Teresa over to Fry's shack. He smiled and handed us both a tray of food. The two of us sat away from the boys. It was nice to have another girl here to keep me company.

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