Chapter Fifteen

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It was about two weeks after the banishment. I was finally letting it stray from my mind as I got back into full work. I was healing quickly according to Clint and Jeff. They made me come see them every day. I was aloud to talk again. My voice still sounded a little weak and scratchy but no where near as bad as it was the first day they told me I could talk. I didn't even recognize my own voice for about a week.

Today was the day we were suppose to get a new greenie. Today would make three months I've been in the Glade. It feels like so much longer. The last greenie was already told his task of giving our new one the tour when he or maybe even she arrived. Since both the greenies after me were boys I doubted I'd get lucky enough to have another girl among this horde of boys.

When the alarm went off later that day we all ran to the box as fast as we could. We were always anxious to see the new greenie. I silently hoped for another girl even though I knew my chances were very slim. Gally and Newt opened the cage. Gally jumped inside. We all leaned over the edge to get our first glimpse. It was another boy. Of course. He looked small but toned. He didn't seem to be too scared of the situation either. Winston and Zart pulled the boy out of the box. He landed right in front of me on the grass. His eyes landing on me almost immediately.

"Welcome to the Glade greenie." I smiled widely at him.

He, very openly, took in my full appearance before smiling at me. An arm grabbed me suddenly pulling me to the side. It was Frypan. He pushed me toward a few others helping Gally pull items out of the box. I joined them happily.

Later that evening we were finishing things up for the bonfire. The greenie had finished his tour and was now standing with Newt and a few others chatting. I was with Fry watching Gally and a few of his builders stacking the last bit of the bonfire. A few minutes later Alby gave his usual shout to light it up and the bonfire roared to life. I chatted with Fry until Newt came over to introduce the greenie to us.

"This is Frypan our cook and this is Emi. She's the only girl here in the Glade and she's one of our builders." Newt said gesturing to both Fry and myself.

The greenie smiled at me and extended his hand to me.

"It's a pleasure to meet you beautiful." He said trying to be charming.

I couldn't help the sudden blush that crept across my face. He was cute I'd give him that but he wasn't anything near Gally. Fry and Newt both looked instantly uncomfortable with his comment.

"The only girl in the Glade and someone hasn't made you their's yet?" He asked stepping closer.

"Actually..." I started to speak but was cut off by the greenie's surprised shout.

Gally had appeared behind him picking him up with ease. He walked a few steps away then sat the boy down. He angrily walked back over to me. He glared at the greenie as he wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me away.

"What was that?" He asked angrily.

"What do you mean?"

"You just stood there and let him hit on you." He said threw clenched teeth.

"No, actually I was about to tell him you would break his face when you picked him up." I said crossing my arms over my chest.

"You're shucking right. I'll break that little shank in half." He growled.

I couldn't help but chuckle. He was really hot when he got like this. It didn't happen often because the boys knew not to step over the line. They already knew what Gally was capable of. I smiled wrapping my arms around his neck. I pulled him closer so I could kiss him with all the passion and heat I had. I needed him to know that no one would ever compare to him.

"Let's get back to the others." I whispered then pulled him by his hand behind me.

Gally went straight to start forming his circle. I had a feeling he'd call out the greenie. He'd want to show the greenie what he could do to him. He was all for showing off his strength. I wouldn't complain. I loved to watch him do this.

We formed the circle quickly. Newt and Fry making sure they were between me and the greenie. I watched as Gally did his show to pick out a glader. To my surprise he stopped and pointed at me. All the boys cheered and chanted my name. I laughed stepping in the circle to face my boyfriend.

"You sure about this big bad wolf?" I asked as he circled me like a predator.

"You scared princess?" He asked raising a brow at me.

As he walked behind me I quickly kicked my leg out making him trip and fall into the dirt. I stepped to tower over him.

"You wish" I smiled down at him.

He jumped back to his feet quickly. The fight was on. He lunged for me but I ducked slamming my elbow into his gut. He doubled over with a groan. I wrapped my arm around his neck pulling him down. He rolled over me and onto his back. I pinned him quickly making all the boys cheer.

Gally was quick to roll us over trying to pin me to the ground but I was too quick to unlatch myself from him. I kneed him earning me the escape I needed. I watched him get back to his feet slowly as he eyed me. I stepped closer with my hands up.

"I don't wanna hurt you big bad wolf." I cooed.

He laughed taking a step closer.

"You wanna give up already princess?" He asked with a tilt of his head.

Without a word I kicked him as hard as I could making him stumble backwards. He was close to the edge so I dropped to my knees kicking his feet out from under him then gave him one more swift kick that slid him across the dirt and out of the circle.

The boys erupted into cheers again chanting my name. I loved beating Gally at his own game. The keeper of the builders got back to his feet. He grabbed me from behind as he laughed then planted a kiss to my neck.

"I'll get you back later." He whispered into my ear.

"I hope so" I winked then went back to stand with Newt.

Just as I thought he would Gally called out the greenie. Newt wanted to bet me on how long the greenie would last but I knew it wouldn't be long. I wasn't wrong. Gally threw the poor boy around like he was a rag doll. He threw him out of the circle a countless amount. Once everything was over I made sure Gally knew to meet me in my room before he went to bed. I said a quick goodnight to Newt then disappeared into the homestead.

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