Chapter Three

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Avery sat at a desk in science waiting for the teacher to appear. She slowly pulled out her books and stationary, ready to attempt to take notes. It was obvious that she was an outsider. Each of the three-person desks began to slowly fill only for the desk she was sitting at to stay empty.

She would have preferred that it remained that way when a boy she was quite familiar with sat beside her, Aiden, followed by his friend William.

Aiden was a shorter guy who was tall and lean. He didn't have much in the way of muscles, and because of his lack of weight his cheeks looked hollowed. His dark brown hair was always greasy and unbrushed. His clothes always had some kind of stain on them, and whenever he was close by you could always tell with the strong smell of cigarette smoke or marijuana.

Avery's hands clenched uncomfortably into fists as she shifted her chair as close to the edge of the desk as she could, opting to stop breathing as the inescapable smell of cigarette smoke assaulted her nose.

"You're finally back, babe" Aiden began with a smug look as he moved his chair closer to her. He turned to his friend with a look of amusement, and William grinned back at him giving him a nod of encouragement.

Aiden turned back to the blonde, his lips parting as his tongue snaked out to lick the corner of his mouth with a lecherous smirk. He looked Avery up and down, the familiar look of a half-brained pervert that couldn't take a hint.

"How about you meet me after school for some... fun?". Avery shuddered at the thought, disgust flooding her system. Aiden was known as a licentious arsehole. He would hit on anything that could move, make uncomfortable remarks and thought that females were nothing but a vagina with legs. The day that Avery would go anywhere with Aiden, would be the day she killed him personally.

Avery ignored his question, placing her balled fists in her lap and refusing to look in his direction. This must have annoyed him because Aiden sighed, leaning into her personal space, "Come on, babe, we all know that you'll open your legs for anyone" his irritated tone caused a shudder to run through Avery.

When she continued to ignore him she hoped that that would be the end of it. Most people would have taken the hint by that point, but then she felt his fingertips run a line across her upper thigh. His skin felt like static against hers, sending waves of discomfort throughout her being.

She slapped his hand away and leapt out of her seat, her body shaking from his touch. The seat banged against the table behind her, causing the entire room to turn to her and the brown haired boy. She couldn't believe his nerve, how he clearly didn't even think of her as a human being with the right to ignore his comments - to say 'no'. She stared at him with horror in her eyes, her lip quivering as she held back the screamed words that echoed through her.

Aiden looked surprised by her reaction, looking her up and down like she had suddenly became the most hideous thing he had ever seen in his life. Tears came to Avery's eyes but she tried to shove them back down when she looked around, noticing that all eyes were now on her.

"Gross" Aiden proclaimed, leaning back in his chair, "I would never pay someone like you for sex. What are you a prostitute now?".

Avery's face scrunched into disgusted resentment before she snatched up her bag strap, swinging it over her shoulder. She gathered the books and stationary on the desk in her hands hastily before taking one last moment to glare at the repulsive being that had done such horrible things, and the class that bore witness to it yet did nothing. With a huff Avery turned to run towards the door.


She found herself walking down the school hallway. She had no particular destination, but she knew that she wanted to be as far away from that science classroom as possible. Where should I go? Avery didn't want to leave, nor did she want to stay in the halls when teachers would be patrolling for people skipping their classes.

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