Chapter Sixteen

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That night Avery laid in her bed alone, she had ordered Azrael away just as she had gotten back home and she hadn't seen him since. By tomorrow, she was sure that news would have spread about her 'boyfriend' thanks to Paige and her network. If everybody at school was to know about him, she hoped that she could at least stop her mum and sister from finding out.

She couldn't help but let her thoughts drift to Aiden. The way he gripped her arm in the parking lot, the way it reminded her of the moment he had attacked her in the changing rooms. She hoped that tonight she wouldn't dream of his unwanted touch burning her skin and the actions that could have followed had Azrael not shown up.


Avery was snapped from her thoughts as her phone's small screen illuminated the white ceiling above and she reached to grab the phone. The name 'Sadie Miller' brought a smile to Avery's face as she opened the message.

'Hey! Sorry that it's so late. On Saturday the party starts at 7 pm and the address is 23 Hedgeview Drive. I'm looking forward to seeing you there!'

Avery's smile was unwavering as she read the message two or three times before tapping at the keyboard to type her response.

'It's fine! Thank you. I'm looking forward to it too'

The text bubbles appeared and Avery awaited the response from her new friend.

'I'm off to bed now but I'll see you in English tomorrow! Save me a seat!'

Avery felt as though she was about to cry. This had been the first text message in a month that she had received that made her smile. It was a welcome change and she wished that the brief exchange of words could have lasted a little longer.

'Goodnight' Avery responded.


The next morning Avery had gotten ready, eaten her cereal and drank her orange juice before standing at the curb waiting for the bus. She hadn't seen Azrael at all this morning, though she blamed herself having yelled at him the previous morning after he appeared on her bed.

She didn't want to admit the way she had looked around her room each time she had turned her back for a few moments too long, wondering if he would appear there again. He didn't.

Fortunately, her dream last night didn't involve Aiden, and for that she was grateful. However, the images of Azrael shirtless seemed to have seeped deep into her mind because she had seen him there. Felt his whispered words against her ear as his fingers gently- No, I'm not going to think about it.

Avery felt her cheeks begin to warm as the bus slowed to a stop in front of her. She was quick to find herself a seat somewhere in the middle, pulling her bag onto her lap before turning to look out of the window.

'Don't you remember what was going through your head when I caught you eyeing me while I was shirtless'

The demon's words racked through her like a wave of electricity. No! I won't think about it anymore! But it was too late.

Avery felt her heart began to pound in her chest as she pictured his silhouette outlined by the glow of the moon through the window. The sharp lines of his hip bones protruding in a narrow V before disappearing into the sliver of black underwear seen under his jeans. How the wire tattoo seemed to glide like water over his collarbone with each movement he made, the moonlight accentuating and highlighting every dip and curve of his muscles.

He really was a picture of perfection, and Avery had to wonder, was this how he looked when he was a human. Or did he choose this form just for her?

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