Chapter Twenty Four

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 "Avery" Susan's voice startled the blonde awake. Avery lazily rolled in her bed to face her mother, her hair sticking up every which way, still half asleep. "I just wanted to tell you that I've been called into work today and I won't be home until late!".

Avery responded to this information with a vague nod, before her head fell back onto her pillow. The light that had streamed into her room from the hallway quickly disappeared and she heard the click of her mother's heels as she descended the stairs. Avery quickly drifted back off the sleep, glad that her dream had not faded in the few seconds of consciousness.

This time he had blue eyes. A gorgeous sapphire that twinkled down at her as his fingertips rubbed circles on her back. She pressed her head to his chest and listened to the rhythm of his heart, feeling safe and warm.


Avery's eyes fluttered open hours later. She rolled onto her back, bringing her hands up to rub her eyes which struggled to adjust to the bright light streaming in through her window.

"What time is it?" She mumbled with a lazy tilt of her head towards the clock on her side table; 11:23am.

She let a loud groan escaped her lips as she pulled herself into a sitting position. This was the first time all week that she had gotten to sleep in, but she hadn't intended to have wasted most of her day. She had planned to work on Miss Edal's report today before-

Avery's half-closed eyes caught on the flat blue box which laid lop-sided on the floor under a decorative pillow. The party.

Thoughts of the previous day ran through her head like a reel of film; Azrael's surprise appearance with his fancy red car, the trip to buy a dress and then the gym roof.

Avery could feel her cheeks beginning to heat as she remembered laying her head down on his lap but a more pressing thought was quick to push aside her embarrassment.

Wait? How did I get in my bed?

In sudden panic, Avery frantically tugged the heavy duvet from her body, noticing only now that she had somehow lost her jeans and changed into her light grey pyjama shirt.


Avery's hands found her face and she dug her fingertips into forehead. She brought her legs into her chest as she failed to remember anything about getting back home. Don't tell me he-


A loud grumble erupted from Avery, the lurching of her stomach reminding her that she hadn't eaten dinner the previous night.

Avery pulled herself to the edge of the bed, tucking some unruly blonde hair behind her ear as she staggered to her feet. The collar of her oversized shirt fell to hang loosely against her right shoulder, the fabric hanging low enough to reach her knees.

I can worry about how I got home later, first I need breakfast and a shower.

Avery shuffled towards her door, pulling it open and headed down stairs. The kitchen was empty and she was glad that she didn't have to speak to anybody so early in the morning. For once her morning would be peaceful.

Avery took a carton of milk from the fridge, next collecting cereal and a bowl from the cupboards. It was when Avery was beginning to pour the white liquid into her full bowl that she heard the front door unlock and the sound of a group of people stumbling into the entrance of the house.

Avery's eyes shot to the kitchen entrance just as two unfamiliar females, her sister Gwen, and a handsome boy sauntered into the kitchen's entrance. The two girls were clearly friends of Gwen's. They wore the same heavy black eye makeup and dark coloured lipstick.

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