Chapter Fifteen

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Ethan gently placed his hand on the small of Paige's back, "Well we better hurry before ol' Miss Jenson decides to take off without us" Ethan said, shooting a knowing look at Avery. "See you tomorrow Avery" He gave the blonde a smile as he ushered Paige past the pair towards the bus.

"O-Okay..." was all Avery could say as her eyes followed them.

The moment that they had disappeared behind a line of cars Avery crouched to the floor and covered her face in distress. That went... Horribly.

First and foremost, Ethan now thought that Azrael was her 'boyfriend', which, much to her dismay, she blamed herself for not thinking of and giving him a story this morning.

Secondly, Azrael told them that he was transferring into the school next week meaning that he would be around her constantly. Now, this was what she had imagined when she was still contemplating the contract. However, after seeing the reaction from Paige and Ethan, along with the drama Azrael had already caused with Aiden, she knew that his presence would bring numerous changes to her high school experience.

Lastly, he had told them that they both would be attending the party on Saturday. Although Avery had nodded to Sadie in the cafeteria, she still hadn't fully made up her mind - what if it turned out to be a trap.

She took a deep breath as Azrael's deep voice broke the silence, "Well, shall we go home then?".

The question stirred something inside Avery. It was such an indifferent, normal question and she wondered how Azrael didn't feel the conflicted energy radiating from her. 

Avery pushed herself back up to her feet and turned to the demon with a scowl, "You just made a big mess! And you're talking about just going home?" Avery hissed.

Azrael raised his hands in front of his chest, taking a step back from the small blonde human.

"Now hold on a second, I told you that you would need to make up a story for me. You didn't have one so I made one for you" he retorted, looking her up and down with squinted eyes.

"That's-!" She began, throwing an accusatory finger towards him as she thought about his answer, "T-That's...". Avery's expression quickly changed back from anger to dread as she pondered her involvement in his story making.

"You're right..." She grumbled pressing the palm of her right hand to her forehead as she looked down to the ground. 

This wasn't the first time that Azrael had been part of the Blonde's outburst and each time was more amusing to him than the last. His lips curled into a smirk as he listened to her scrambled thoughts; What now? Ethan thinks that he's my boyfriend. I didn't want this, this was the very last thing that I wanted.

"What? Do you have a crush on him or something?" He asked, curiosity sparking in his eyes. "He looks pretty friendly with that bitch..." Azrael mumbled, bringing a finger to his lips mockingly, "what was her name?". 

At this Avery raised her hand and smacked the demon on the arm, knowing that the impact would not hurt him in any way.

"Stop reading my mind! I know it's some kind of demon power that you have!" She assumed, glaring at him with embarrassment, pink returning to her cheeks as she thought about her crush on the jock. 

"Stop thinking so damn loudly then" He responded, crossing his arms over his chest while giving her an annoyed look.

"I thought you'd be happy about me coming to school with you anyway, you were thinking about me sitting with you at lunch remember? Yeah, I heard that too".

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