Chapter Thirty Three

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"I didn't-" Avery began.

"Oh shut up, Avery" Paige snarled as she began a slow stride towards her, "You always act so fucking innocent but I know that you have a crush on Ethan".

Avery's eyebrows knitted together, "How do you know that?" she questioned, "Because I looked at him once? Because you heard some rumour from one of the girls at school?" she challenged.

There was no possible way that Paige had irrefutable evidence that Avery had a crush on Ethan. As far as she knew, all of this torment stemmed from her glancing Ethan once; but how on earth was that enough to know that she liked Ethan? She did, Paige was right, but Avery hadn't attempted to approach him or talk to him until recently. So what is it exactly that makes Paige so sure.

"I knew I recognised your face when you first started at Lakeshore. It wasn't until a little birdie told me that you had a crush on Ethan that I remembered where I had seen you" Paige began, stopping in front of Avery, a mean expression crinkling her nose, "Ethan's eighth grade journal. He had written all about you, kept a picture of you and your friends between the pages".

Avery's bottom lip dropped open, a look of absolute dumbfound falling over her. Ethan had written about her in a journal? Had she really made that much of an impression on him all those years ago?

Paige scoffed and glanced away from Avery in disgust, pressing her tongue to the corner of her mouth, "Of course, after everything that Ethan went through that year he didn't remember who you were. It was clear though, that you remembered him, and that's why I know that you have a crush on him".

Avery was too taken aback by the fact that Ethan had written down his memories of her and kept a photo to have taken in much of what Paige had said next.

Did he care about the time that we had spent together just as much as I did? She thought, flashbacks of the month following their rainy meeting playing like a reel in her head; The fall dance, their night of hide and seek together, and the day that she had had found out that he had left school and wasn't coming back.

Avery expression had softened into a look of quiet contentment. Paige's words had brought with them a feeling of joy. So there was a reason that he had forgotten me?

Unfortunately though, it was Avery's expression which had confirmed what Paige had already convinced herself.

"Addison" Paige snapped.

Avery yelped as Addison's fingers curled into Avery's up-do and pulled it upward harshly.

Avery reached up and wrapped her hands around Addison's wrist, wincing, and attempted to push her hand away but Addison's grip was too firm.

Paige scowled and knelt down front of Avery, her eyes full of hatred, "Listen here, slut. Stay the fuck away from Ethan or I'll-"

"You'll what?" A curious voice interrupted.

Paige's eye snapped upward and Addison turned hastily to see who had walked in. Avery wasn't able to turn her head but she already knew who that voice belonged to.

"You know, I distinctly remember saying that I'd 'ruin you' if you ever touched Avery again" Azrael smiled, raising an eyebrow at the brunette who was glaring at him, a look of annoyance plastered across her face.

Paige scoffed, getting to her feet, "Azrael? Was it?" She began, "You're wasting your time trying to protect this slut. She doesn't even like you, she has a crush on Ethan Wilson. You know, the guy I was sitting next to during truth or dare?".

At this Azrael's lips curled into a smirk and a short chuckle escaped him, "You mean the guy that you cling onto desperately even though he will never like you back?" Azrael questioned mockingly.

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