Chapter Fourteen

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The next class that Avery had was Science and she was nervous about the reaction she would get and about Aiden. The last time she was in the classroom, Aiden had violated her personal space in an incredibly inappropriate way; Since then he had done much more, and she just prayed that he would stay away from her.

Avery took a seat at the front, close to the door in case she would have to leave again and hoping that he wouldn't want to sit so close to the teacher. She waited for the greasy-haired boy to enter, silently hoping that he wouldn't show up today. It wasn't uncommon that Aiden and his friends would skip classes to smoke and get into trouble.

Much to Avery's disappointment, the strong smell of cigarette smoke alerted her to his impending presence. The brunette trudged into the room, his eyes immediately settling on the blonde in the first row, a miserable frown crawling on his face. Avery held her breath as she looked down and watched his feet as he shuffled around her desk, hoping that he would sit somewhere else. Anywhere else.

She let out a sigh of relief as he walked down the centre of the room and took a seat at the desk second from the back in the other row. She wasn't bothered by the fact that she was sitting alone in the front row during the science lesson, she was just glad that she didn't have to endure the unforgiving assault of cigarette smoke and wandering fingertips.

Avery avoided turning to look at the back of the class as much as she could. It was so hard to ignore the burn of eyes on the back of her head during the entirety of the lesson. Anytime she shifted her attention back to listen to someone answering a question she could see him staring at her with a look of frustration.


After school had ended, Avery was quick to head towards the bus. The driver was an older lady who hated being made to wait. It wasn't unheard of that she would close the doors as someone ran towards the bus, leaving them at the curb and driving off. A 40-minute walk home wasn't something that Avery had on her to-do list today.

She carried herself quickly through the car park, cutting across so that she could make it quicker to the yellow bus she could see past the trees on the other side.

Suddenly Avery's eyes caught on the messy head of Aiden striding in her direction, his face alight with vexation. Avery gasped, quickening her pace as she watched the boy speed up his own pace in response. She glanced back at him with fear in her eyes as he got closer to her. His expression was plastered into a serious scowl, the intensity of his eyes sent a shudder through Avery.

She broke into a jog, turning her attention towards the bus and hoping that she could get there before he was able to catch her, her hopes were dashed as she felt something brush her arm. Slim, boney fingers caught her upper arm in a vice grip and yanked her backwards, causing her to stumble. Avery let out a panicked yelp as the skin of her arm twisted in the tight grip, causing a pang of pain to flood through her.

She turned her head, already knowing she would see the angry brown eyes of her assaulter staring back at her. "Don't run away from me" Aiden's tone was aggressive, his grip tightening around her arm incase she tried to escape. Avery attempted to pull away from him but his strength was far greater than hers.

As she stared into his cold eyes, flashbacks of the previous day strung through her mind. His fingers pricking the skin of her waist, his breath burning her skin, and his words echoing through her and into her dreams. Avery couldn't say anything; stop, let go of me, getting caught in her throat, hasty breathes escaping in their presence.

"You don't have to run from me" Aiden grumbled, yanking her towards him as he noticed her trying to keep as much distance as possible, "I NEED to talk to you". Talk? What could Aiden possibly have to talk to me about?

Avery assumed that her confused, frightened expression must have set the anger already bubbling inside of him to a boil because his fingers dug into her skin as he pulled her, trying to usher her back towards the school buildings. He turned back to Avery who was fighting against his strength, but as he opened his mouth his shirt was yanked back, choking him as he was thrown onto the asphalt.

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