Chapter Eight

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Avery found herself sitting in the same spot that she had sat in the previous day. She had forgotten to pack a lunch for the second day in a row, and so she sat with the book that Miss Edal had lent her, unopened.

Slowly she looked up, scanning the basketball court and the sports field beyond that. It wasn't long before her eyes locked with the place that she had first seen Azrael the previous day. She couldn't decide if she was glad or disappointed that he wasn't there. She had so many questions to ask him.

She had decided after her talk with Miss Edal that she would confront him and ask all of the questions that she had. Questions about demons, whether he really did want to help her or was just using her. Questions about the contract, and about its limitations. She needed to know before she made her decision.

Avery glanced down at the book and opened the cover to find a table of contents. Demonic origins, nature of demons, well-known demons, acts of demons... The contents page went on to list multiple categories but none of which stated 'contract demons'. With a disappointed sigh, she closed the book, deciding that she would take a proper look through the pages later.

Glancing out over the field again she was surprised to see Ethan walking with a couple of his friends that Avery knew as Scott and Hayden, basketball in hand. It wasn't unusual that Ethan would spend lunches at the basketball courts with his friends. Avery watched him intently, bringing her hand up to her face so that she could rest her cheek on her palm.

Avery was pulled from her thoughts as a shadow cast itself over her. It wasn't difficult for Avery to deduce who it was when she saw long slender legs ending in a pair of black pumps. There was only one girl who would wear shoes like that in high school. Paige.

"Hey Avie-Wavie, I'm looking forward to our next sports class" Paige smiled down at the blonde as she strutted past, a malicious smirk causing the pit of Avery's stomach to feel empty. This was the only class that she shared with the sadistic girls and possibly the worst one it could have been. Flashbacks to when Addison purposely threw a basketball at her when she wasn't looking invaded Avery's mind. She still remembered how her face felt like it was swollen for the rest of that day.

Avery simply watched as the girls passed her, walking down the field towards the basketball court. From their right, Aiden came running up to the pair. Paige put her hands on her hips as she looked the guy up and down. She didn't look impressed by his presence. After all, someone like Aiden would never have a chance with the 'Queen Bee'.

Avery found herself wondering what kind of business Aiden could have with Paige and watched, trying to deduce this based on their expressions and movements. After Aiden had spoken Paige turned to Addison. Avery assumed that Paige had asked her redheaded friend to meet her at the court because soon after she walked off, leaving Paige with Aiden.

Avery watched as the two spoke between each other for a second before a smile grew on Paige's face and she turned to Avery with a despicable glint in her eye. Avery averted her eyes for a moment, hoping that Paige hadn't caught her watching their conversation. When Avery looked back up, Paige was on her way towards the basketball field and Aiden had disappeared. What was that all about?


Avery had never been the kind of girl to enjoy sport. Her body was small and petite, she didn't have the muscle or stamina that was required. She never looked forward to the class, but as she stood staring at her empty gym locker, she knew that this class would be worse than usual.

Avery sighed, her eyes travelling from one corner of the locker to the other. I was stupid to think that I could go one day without anything happening...

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