Chapter Thirty

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Avery looked down at her cup, realising that she could now see the white plastic of it's bottom.

"Oh?" She mumbled to herself as she turned in her seat to find Sadie, the room blurring around her as she moved.

Noticing Avery's confused expression as she blinked rapidly, Sadie gently placed her hand on the blonde's shoulder, "Are you okay?".

A big, goofy smile graced Avery's features as she looked at Sadie lovingly, "Thank you for being my friend. I'm having a really great time...".

Sadie's smile slowly turned into a dramatic pout as she flung her arms around Avery's neck and pulled her friend forward to hug her. It wasn't until Avery's bladder had been disturbed with this action that she realised she needed to go to the toilet.

Sadie pulled away and Avery gave her friend a smile as she stood. "I need to go to the toilet" she announced to Sadie and Azrael who were watching her, cautiously. It was clear to everybody that the innocent blonde was very drunk. Avery swayed as she stood, almost falling into Scott who had moved onto the couch in Ethan's absence. If it wasn't for Azrael's hold on her upper arm, she would have fallen right on top of him.

"Oops" Avery mumbles, chuckling as she swayed to the right before managing to find her balance and standing upright.

"You're a little drunk" Azrael chuckled, tugging Avery gently on the arm so that she would turn to face him.

Avery turned, took a second to regain her balance, and then pouted down at Azrael, "Shh, don't be a buzzkill".

Azrael's grin widened at this response. It was highly amusing to him that the girl he once thought innocent and 'goody-two shoes' to be calling him a buzzkill while at a party.

"I wasn't complaining, merely pointing it out in case you hadn't noticed"

As far as Avery could tell, Azrael didn't seem to be affected at all by the amount of alcohol he had drunk. In fact, by the litter of red cups by his feet it had to be at least eight, where as she had only had three... or was it five?

Avery sneered at Azrael and poked her tongue out to him defiantly, "I said 'Shh'".

Azrael raised his eyebrow and stared at her with a slightly impressed, slightly offended look.

"Alright then" He said, letting go of the blonde's arm and raising his hands in the air in mock surrender.

Avery glared at the curly haired demon for a moment before she remembered that she needed to go to the toilet. With a wobbly step she moved to walk between her chair and Sadie's but Sadie reached out and took Avery's hand.

"Do you want me to come with you?" Sadie asked with a soft smile.

Avery glanced down at Sadie and smiled back, taking a moment for the image of Sadie's face to stop twisting and blurring, "No it's okay, I can go by myself".

Sadie nodded and let go of Avery's hand, turning around to interrupt Hayden who had began to argue with Scott about his 'fat arse taking up the entire couch'.

Azrael turned to watch as Avery swayed her way to the door before disappearing into the crowd. Perhaps it was awful of him to think it, but he looked forward to seeing how the night played out now that Avery was intoxicated. There was sure to be some drama. Maybe even worse than that, although he wanted to banish the memory from his mind, he couldn't help but remember the thoughts of Avery's sultry dream each time he looked at her. Had she really dreamt of him in that way? He would be lying if he said that he wasn't pleased that she had. Though, he also thought that anyone who could see a demon that way was surely a complete idiot.

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