Chapter Twenty Six

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Time flew by as Sadie curled Avery's hair. The conversation seemed to flow so naturally between the two girls. Avery talked about her older sister, specifically how annoying she was, and Sadie laughed along, tell stories of similar experiences with her cousin Ethan.

Each time Sadie began a new story about Ethan, Avery couldn't help a little smile curl at the corners of her lips. She loved hearing stories about him, and she fondly remembered the short art class they had spent together.

'I hope I can be one of those close friends too'

Avery hadn't completely about the words that had made her feel such an intense happiness. She looked forward to seeing him at the party, and with any luck, they could spend some more time together and she could get to know him even better.

After Sadie had finished doing Avery's hair she began the make up.

The conversation shifted to the party and Sadie began to ramble about who would be there and what it would be like. Avery listened as Sadie went on to talk about Ethan's friends; Scott and Hayden, who Avery had only ever seen with Ethan from a distance.

"Scott's super duper nice and cute. He's the one with the afro. Sweetest guy ever, totally not my type thought but I'm sure that you guys will get along super well" Sadie explained as she twisted the tube of lipstick, "Relax your lips a bit".

Avery swallowed, parting her lips as Sadie pressed the lipstick gently to her bottom lip, spreading the bright colour in small strokes.

"Hayden on the other hand is a bit of a douchebag. Don't get me wrong, I like the dude, he's just a little bit slow and tries to act all macho even though it doesn't suit him at all. He's actually super smart though, I was surprised when Ethan told me that he gets good grades. He looks like a delinquent with his blonde tips".

Sadie lowered the lipstick and looked over her work with a critical eye. A wide grin gracing her features after her inspection.

"Just one last thing" She said, reaching for a small spray bottle of clear liquid amongst the mess of used brushes and open pallets on the desk.

"Close your eyes" She instructed and Avery did as she was told.

Avery flinched as she felt the stray of cold water on her face and she heard Sadie chuckle at her reaction.

"It's setting spray, so my work will stay looking glamorous all night" She explained.

Avery opened her eyes to see Sadie looking down at her with her hands on her hips, beaming.

"You can look now" she said, gesturing towards the mirror on the desk.

Avery turned in her seat towards the small mirror and the moment that she saw her face, her eyes widened and her bottom lip dropped open.

It was gorgeous.

Avery had no words as she gaped at her reflection, recognising the pale blue eyes and light complexion but finding it hard to accept that it really was her.

"I..." She began, bringing her fingertips to her cheek to lightly press against the skin. Avery smiled, and for a brief moment, she thought that she would begin to cry.

With a deep breath, Avery forced down the happy emotions that threatened to bubbled over and turned towards Sadie with an expression of gratitude.

"I love it".

Sadie's smile grew and she once again wrapped her arms around Avery, "I'm glad! You're going to look stunning tonight! I can't wait to see what your boyfriend thinks when he sees you!"

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