Chapter Thirty-Five

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Avery couldn't tell if what she had just seen was real, or if it was the alcohol playing tricks on her. She knew perfectly well that Azrael was capable of teleporting instantly, but she had been looking at the figure across the road when the hand had wrapped around her arm. She had only looked away when she had stumbled -after having been tugged back. So how was it possible that he was in two places at once?

Avery blinked a couple of times as she heard Azrael calling her name in a concerned parent-like tone.

"Avery! Hey?!" She felt his grip on her arm tighten, "Look at me!".

Avery's eyes rolled back to Azrael and she gawked at him dumbfounded, as he glared down at her.

"Jeez, how much did you drink?" He asked rhetorically.

The spaced out, hazy look in the blonde's eyes was all that he needed to answer that question himself, "Of course, you're wasted" he grumbled in annoyance.

It was this authoritative tone that really struck a nerve with Avery and she promptly forgot about the figure across the road.

"Wasted??" She began heatedly, now struggling against Azrael's grip. Azrael stubbornly tightened his fingers around her arm, his red eyes glinting an angered red.

"You're the one that encouraged me to drink, remember? You can't be angry that I actually did it!!" Avery retorted, a childish defiance washing over her, "If you don't like it, you can just go away!".

Azrael sighed, glancing away from the blonde as he tried to calm the frustration brewing inside him, "If you really want me to go away I have to abide by your wish, so if you don't mean it, you better take it back right now" he grumbled.

Avery clenched her jaw and ground her teeth together. If Azrael left, she wouldn't have any ride home and she didn't want to be stuck at this party any longer. Despite her willingness to fight against Azrael, she felt exhausted. She knew that the moment she laid her head on a pillow she would fall asleep.

Avery swallowed her pride, although she still felt an intense irritation towards the demon that refused to release her.

"Fine, but I want to go home and you're not allowed to look at, talk to, or touch me anymore" She demanded childishly, attempting once more to yank her arm from Azrael's grip.

Azrael loosened his grip, making sure that Avery was able to stand by herself before completely letting her go. He took in a deep breath and glanced away from the blonde, his eyes closing in vexation.

Avery took a wobbly step away from him, her blurred vision setting on his handsome face. Even through the haze of alcohol, Avery could tell that Azrael was not very happy with the instructions that she had given him, and she took some gratification from that fact. Avery's eyes drifted back to the demon's face, and her heart fluttered as she caught sight of his soft pink lips, scowling.

"U-Umm... Good!" She stuttered, stumbling past the dark-haired demon and trying to conceal the rush of blood that was undoubtedly tinting her cheeks, "Now take me home".


Avery thought that she would enjoy the silence of the car ride, but as the low hum of the engine filled her ears, she became more and more aware of just how much she wanted Azrael to say something, anything. But if Avery had the choice, she would want him to explain why he hadn't kissed her when they were upstairs. She knew that he was mute because she had ordered him not to speak, but she was sure that even if Azrael was able to, he wouldn't say anything anyway.

She glanced over to the driver's seat where Azrael sat wordlessly, his eyes glued to the road ahead. His lips had settled into a thin line and he looked as though he had resigned himself to Avery's instructions.

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