Chapter Twenty Nine

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"I don't see why this is important to these two" Ethan says gesturing towards Avery and Azrael. How wrong he was. Avery's face had set into a disappointed frown as she imagined Paige's lips against Ethan's. Did she already get to him tonight? Are they dating now

Azrael slunk his arm around Avery's shoulder and pulled her to his side. Avery's eyes turned to him in confusion at his gesture, but when she looked into his eye she realised that this was his attempt at comforting her. He must have heard my thoughts.

After a moment of bickering, Addison reminded Ethan that it was his turn and he signed. "Azrael, truth or dare" Ethan says, leaning against the arm of the couch.

Azrael thought for a moment before he settled on truth. Ethan didn't miss a beat when he asked, "How did you two get together".

Azrael leant back against the plastic chair as he turned to look down at Avery who looked as though she had gone into shock. Of course she hasn't thought of a story, he thought, his arm tightening on Avery's waist as he attempted to think up a lie that wouldn't get him scolded like last time.

"I was going through a hard time in Freshman and Sophomore and she noticed. After she came into my life everything seemed to get better" He explained vaguely.

Avery felt his fingertips press into her side gently as he spoke and she couldn't help but wonder if there was some truth to his story. A distant memory from a time when he too, was human.

"I'm lucky to have met her when I did".

Having not expected to hear such a heavy story the group grew silent, giving each other sideways glances as they waited for someone to speak. Avery was staring up at Azrael as he glanced down at her to see her reaction to his lie.

Perhaps it was the way the light danced through his eye or the way his lips had pressed into a thin line, but Avery was sure that what he had just said came from somewhere deep inside him. Suddenly, as though she had just connected two dots in her head, she remembered the name in cursive writing on Azrael's arm. Claire. Was Claire a girl he knew before he died? Someone who was there for him when he needed them?

Avery was snapped from her thoughts when Azrael turned to Paige, a mysterious smile spreading across his cheeks, "Paige, truth or dare?".

Paige's eyes darted to Azrael wearily. She was clearly uncomfortable with Azrael asking the question. After all, Azrael was the only person who had seen Paige's real personality, someone that she hadn't been able to intimidate. Azrael could reveal everything right here and right now.

Avery poked his side lightly, causing the demon to turn to look down at her with blazing eyes. Don't cause a scene, please... I don't want Ethan and Sadie to find out about my history with Paige, Avery thought desperately. Azrael's eyes softened as he looked into her eyes, his smile unwavering as he turned back to Paige.

"Dare" Paige answered, swallowing the nervousness that Azrael gave her and replacing it with a challenging glare.

As Azrael stared at the brunette his smile slowly turned into a grin. Avery wondered whether he was hearing words that the rest of them couldn't. He had said that he could read other people's thoughts. Was he reading Paige's?

"I dare you to kiss Scott"

Azrael's lips curled into a smirk as Paige's eyes grew wide. The odd thing was that her expression wasn't one of disgust or displeasure, it was one of shock as though she had just been exposed to the group.

Avery turned to see how Scott had taken the dare and noticed that he had brought his lower lip between his teeth and was now staring down at the floor.

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