Chapter Twenty Two

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Avery trudged up to her bedroom, noting how she seemed to have felt behind something when she had closed the door of the car. Her chest now felt hollow and her body felt heavy.

The darkness of the bedroom only deepened the empty feeling in her chest, and she leant back against the door, feeling the wooden door click shut behind her. She didn't understand why she felt so lonely, she would see him again tomorrow night when he picked her up for the party, she could even see him again now if she could find the nerve to call him.

With a defeated sigh she pulled her shoes from her feet and threw them hap-hazardly onto the floor. Why didn't I just say something? I could have asked him to stay.

Even the thought of it made Avery feel so flustered. She brought her hands up to her face and rubbed her eyes in exasperation wondering what exactly happened that caused all of these mixed emotions to collide after today's events.

What would he have thought if I asked him to stay? I couldn't just do that out of the blue. Then what? We'd be alone in this room together... and...

Avery's eyes drifted to her bed, her cheeks lighting pink and her heart lifting back into her chest as she eyed the vacant sheets, imagining him sitting against the backboard, his fingertips gliding down her back.

Is that the reason I want him to stay?

It was too embarrassing to think about, her heart had returned in a fit of thumps that she felt against her rib cage. But it can't be?

Avery shook the thoughts from her mind, tapping her closed fist to her chest, begging the stampede to calm enough for her to think properly. Stop.

After a moment, Avery lifted her eyes, glancing at the shoes she had thrown in frustration.

With a sigh, she picked them up, wandering towards her closet door and reaching for the handle when suddenly, she froze.

Her eyes widened as a shiver racked from her fingertips all the way up her arm and then through the rest of her body. She thought she must have gone crazy. It was the same cold that she had felt each time that Azrael had appeared suddenly before her.

With a sharp breath she turned, scanning the room for the dark-haired demon, her lips dropping open when she saw his figure standing by the window. He held the flat blue box which had Avery's dress in his arms.

"You forgot this".

Avery felt a fluttering sensation in her stomach as Azrael wandered towards her bed. His eye seemed to glow in the darkness. The silver-blue ray of light from the window outlining his figure as he moved.

Avery could do nothing but gape at him as he gently placed the box at the end of her unmade bed. Azrael was attractive during the day, but at night Avery couldn't help but stare at the silvery glow that danced over his tattoos. He seemed so much more captivating in the light of the moon.

Perhaps if she wasn't so bewitched by him, she would have realised that as he turned to look at her, he could hear thoughts. A charming smile quickly curled the demons lips as he began to move towards her in slow strides.

Azrael stopped so close to Avery that another inch and their chests would meet. Avery's eyes widened as he raised his hand, taking a palmful of her hair in his hand. The silk brushed against his skin as he lowered his hand and Avery felt as though he had travelled back in time to the night he had promised to protect her.

Azrael's eyes flickering to Avery's, crimson red meeting cloudy blue.

"If you wanted me to stay, you should have asked".

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