Chapter Thirty-Seven

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Azrael's heart stopped and he stared dumbfounded down at the girl who laid motionlessly on the bed. His eyes scanned over her, noting the red around her eyes and the streaks in her makeup. He recognised the hazy look in her eyes and the droop of her eyelids as she gazed back at him, half-conscious. Perhaps if it were any other night... Perhaps if it were under other circumstances...

Azrael brought his lower lip between his teeth as he glanced away from her for a moment. She was really trying to make this as difficult as possible for him.

"I did want to kiss you at the party" Azrael admitted in a low voice, taking in a long breath, "I have wanted to kiss you since the moment I saw you standing in that golden dress...".

Azrael paused, turning back to Avery. He had forced a serious expression onto his face, but inside his heart and head were fighting over what he should say next.

"If it had just been any other night... I-".

Avery could do nothing but gaze up at the handsome demon that stood with glowing eyes in front of her. He did want to kiss me afterall... she thought happily, her lips curling slightly at the corners. It had only taken a minute for her body to begin to feel heavy enough that she felt as though she was sinking into the mattress. Her vision spun and twirled slowly as she watched Azrael above her.

He couldn't bring himself to let Avery make this decision as she laid there clearly still very intoxicated. She was in no mindset to be able to realise just what such an action could do to her, to recognise how stupid it would be to get involved with a demon; with him.

Azrael took a deep breath, "If you remember this in the morning... and you still want to kiss me, Avery... I won't hesitate".

Deep down, Azrael hoped that she would remember this in the morning. If she did, he would take back everything he had said about making sure that she didn't get any more attached to him. He wouldn't hold himself back. He didn't want to.

If she doesn't though, Azrael thought, feeling his chest sink as he turned and strode towards the door, I promise not to let her get any more involved with me.

"Goodnight and sweet dreams..."

Her voice was barely a whisper behind him as he gripped the handle and pulled the door open. It was only a brief glance back, but as he saw Avery's crystal blue eyes flutter shut behind him, he felt a sense of guilt once again.


Azrael had closed Avery's bedroom door, and within a fraction of a second he was standing on the pavement across the street from her house.

The street lights dimly lit the old picket fences and grassy front yards with a gentle glow as Azrael wandered to the lamp post and leant against it in vexation. He already knew that Avery would not remember any of what happened in the morning, not after the amount of alcohol she had drunk. Perhaps that was why he gave himself an ultimatum. It meant that if he regretted this decision, he could convince himself that it didn't happen because of Avery's memory - or lack thereof.

A gust of cold wind blew past Azrael and he sighed, closing his eyes and leaning his head backwards so that it would rest against the pole.

"Why the gloomy face, Az?"

The deep mocking tone had come from the shadows of the tree behind Azrael.

"That's none of your business" Azrael replied in exasperation.

There was a low chuckle, "Oh... no need to be like that. I was listening, ya know. I don't know why you didn't kiss your little pet... She was practically begging you too".

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